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Sign our petition calling on Travelers Insurance to decline helping oil and gas companies do business in the Arctic Refuge.

Dear Friend,

What's the one thing that all oil and gas companies looking to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge need?

Insurance. Oil and gas companies need insurance companies to cover high-risk projects, such as oil exploration, which can cause landscape damage, spills, injuries and more.

Without insurance, oil and gas companies won't be able to drill in the Arctic Refuge. That's why we're calling on Travelers Insurance to commit to decline insuring oil drilling and exploration in the Arctic Refuge. Will you join us?

Sign our petition calling on Travelers Insurance -- one of the largest insurance companies in the market -- to refuse to underwrite drilling in the Arctic Refuge.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the crown jewel of the Arctic. Its 19 million acres are home to 42 species of fish, 45 mammals, and more than 200 types of birds. There's no cell phone service, no roads, and the only trails are the ones paved by wildlife.1

Oil drilling and exploration risk all this. Oil drilling comes with infrastructure -- roads, pipelines, wellpads -- all of which fragment animal habitats in the refuge. Not only that, but the equipment has to be transported and installed, which involves destroying sensitive tundra.2

Travelers Insurance can help prevent future damage to the Arctic by joining the list of companies committed to not financing or insuring drilling in the refuge.

Call on Travelers Insurance to commit to not insuring oil exploration in the Arctic today.

Thank you for all you do,

Rex Wilmouth
Senior Program Director

1. Ellen Montgomery, "You can't drill for oil without insurance," Environment America, March 8, 2022.
2. Ellen Montgomery, "You can't drill for oil without insurance," Environment America, March 8, 2022.

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Environment Colorado, Inc.
1543 Wazee St., Suite 400, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 573-3871

Member questions or requests call 1-800-401-6511.
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