Earth month is here! As we get ready for Earth Day on April 22 we will have many opportunities to raise climate awareness and broaden the movement for climate action.
Join Citizens' Climate Lobby to multiply our efforts on climate change. We will plan upcoming events, and advance our efforts with Conservative Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!
What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting When: Saturday, April 9, 11am-11:30am ET More details and RSVP
Afterword, we will stay on to watch CCL's national call. The speaker this month is Keishaa Austin, Head of Engagement and Partnerships at Rewiring America. #ElectrifyEverthing is the hot hashtag of late, especially in light of the invasion of Ukraine, the sanctions against Russia and the need to end our fossil fuel dependency. Joining us this month is Keishaa Austin from Rewiring America, which is working to launch a movement to electrify everything, starting with our nation's 121 million households. Their latest policy brief, the Electrify for Peace Policy Plan, calls for ramping up American capacity to manufacture and install heat pumps in Europe and the U.S.
We can’t wait to see you! Catch up with old friends and make new ones, learn new skills, hear from expert speakers in person. There’s no better way to recharge yourself and spark your climate advocacy.
Keep Congress focused on a healthy climate
Together, we’ve pushed climate change to the top of the priorities in Washington, DC. And, we’ll keep showing up until Congress passes strong climate policies like a price on carbon and we see declining emissions in America. This year’s conference coincides with an international week of action, including virtual lobby meetings across the world.
Featuring Remarks from:
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Mark Reynolds Nwandi Lawson, Chief Cultivation Officer, The Virtues Collective Amanda Ripley, Author of High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out, Host of podcast How To!, Journalist Wandra Ashley-Williams, Maryland Regional Director, Climate Xchange Clarence Edwards, Legislative Director, Sustainable Energy and Environment, Friends Committee on National Legislation Alex Bozmoski, VP of Programs, DEPLOY/US Alex Flint, Executive Director, Alliance for Market Solutions Nicole Hammond, CCL State Coordinator for Louisiana