Inspired by the truckers’ convoy in Canada, the US convoy began in Adelanto, CA on Feb 22 & traveled cross-country, protesting ongoing COVID mandates
** The Celebration of Victories…When and As they occur
Against the array of dispiriting events that permeate our news coverage—and in purposeful contrast to the reflexive anti-Americanism that characterizes much of academia (as well as the tepid patriotism that is expressed by our ‘Woke’ mainstream media)—Charlemagne Institute believes there is value to identification and celebration of “battlefield” victories when and as they occur.
Some of these wins may be small and incremental. Others may be larger and more profound. Whichever the case, our aim is to celebrate the successes…and share with you signs that give us hope. Our goal is to rally ourselves as neighbors to the means of American resurgence.
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Truckers’ Convoy Wins!
** Among signs that the battle is turning…
As goes Canada, so goes America! While reference to the US truckers convoy, The People’s Convoy ([link removed]) , a couple weeks back was mostly avoided by mainstream media, news of the event and its drawing power were not stilled by the silence. Indeed, the convoy at times stretched to more than seventy miles ([link removed]) in length with literally thousands of participants and tens of thousands of followers and fans who lined bridges and roadways across the country in order to show their support and cheer the convoy on.
Inspired by the truckers’ convoy in Canada, the US convoy had begun in Adelanto, California on February 22, 2022 and traveled cross-country over the period of a couple weeks, picking up supporters along the way, growing in strength. The primary agenda for the convoy was to force the government to end COVID-19 mandates and other legislative restrictions related to COVID.
The event reached its zenith on March 4^th in a meeting on the outskirts of Hagerstown, Maryland from which a smaller number of truckers then proceeded to daily circle the Washington beltway system. Which they continue to circle to this date.
** They will claim the science changed, but we all know that’s hogwash!
The fact is the larger group of truckers had already had an impact. Lo and behold, as the congregation drew closer to their DC zenith, the nation witnessed a sudden relaxation of COVID mandates. Across blue states and nationally.
It’s not that the Biden administration has admitted that the truckers had any such impact on thinking… But that’s what they did.
** Which is why we chalk this off as a victory!
Charlemagne Institute is a non-profit publisher of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout. In our defense of American political traditions, the publications are unapologetically opposed to efforts that weaken the spirits of the nation or that abrogate the inalienable rights of citizenry.
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