Alert: Monday April 4 5:00 pm ET
Sam Goldman, host of the Refuse Fascism podcast, will be live on Instagram with author Asha Dahya of Girltalk HQ & RiseUp4AbortionRights organizer Skyler Soloman. Bring your questions, ideas, and of course invite your friends! #riseup4abortionrights #Green4Abortion

Black Women in the Crosshairs of Christian Fascist Assault on Abortion
Episode 105: Uploaded April 3. Sunsara Taylor (The RNL Show, We Only Want the World on WPFW and WBAI)
interviews feminist, novelist, playwright and director Sikivu
Hutchinson about the abortion crisis and more. She is the author of the recent Moral Combat: Black Atheists, Gender Politics and the Values Wars. More at

>> Listen
>> stay tuned for Youtube & transcript
Sikivu Hutchinson: Certainly with the imposition of these abortion bans communities of color in general and black women in particular have been the most negatively and catastrophically impacted, as other "third world" countries are decriminalizing abortion. And yet here in the US, this font of supposed democracy and egalitarianism and individual liberty and rights, and we're at the precipice of Apocalypse when it comes to unrestricted on demand and without apology abortion. I say get out into the street, agitate, resist, disrupt.
Sunsara Taylor: The very final words in the speech that you gave at
International Women's Day in Los Angeles—I'm not going to quote it
directly but you said something about how we have to shut down, we have
to defeat this terrorist assault, this fascist assault and this lie.
This is what I want to ask you about—this lie of American
exceptionalism, which I think is a particularly important insight that
you brought to the stage—of so much of what we're up against is the
notion that's popular in this country that, oh, fascism can't happen
Fe-Man-Ist Voices: My Daughter's First Pro-Choice Protest
April 1, 2022: WOMEN' by Rob Galvin
It was Tuesday, March 8th, International Women’s Day in New York
City’s own Union Square. The sun was shining bright and there was a
slight breeze that brought with it the last remnants of the cold winter
chill. I was walking with my daughter, stepping out of the Barnes and
Nobles store just north of the Square as we approached the mass of
people gathered together. The crowd in the square was about 70 deep and
still growing as we cut through them and advanced towards the stage
during setup. My daughter looked up at me, apprehension in her eyes but
her bravery setting it aside. She steps forward and picks up a sign that
lay on the ground in a pile with a dozen others like it. The bright
orange background with large black font read “Abortion On Demand And Without Apology.”
She gripped the sign with both hands and raised the poster board high
as the stapled cardboard roll rested on her shoulder. She immediately
looked like she belonged in this exact moment where she found
herself. This was my daughter’s first protest.... read full post
is the color worn by millions of women in Argentina, Columbia, and
other countries to express their fierce determination to legalize
abortion. We are inspired by their example! On April 8, wear green and
display green everywhere – on campuses, on the job, on public
transport, on social media. If you are inactive at a time like this, if
you aren’t fighting this assault on women’s lives, you are allowing it –
and GREEN is the way to show you are fighting it!
>> DONATE $20 and receive 12 green bandanas
Our only way forward and our best way forward is to
To step outside the confines of “official” politics and fill the
streets with our fury… Rising up with courage and conviction to
defeat this assault while bringing closer a future where women and all people are free.
April 9, we will protest in cities and towns coast to coast – a sea of
green will display our cause and our determination to the world!
>> Find or host a protest national team
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