Hell Fellow Climate Activists,
Bell Bowl Prairie remains under the threat of being bulldozed and lost forever by the Chicago-Rockford International Airport’s current expansion plans and could be destroyed as soon as June 1st, less than two months away from right now. Bell Bowl Prairie is one of three last remaining gravel prairies in the state and home to federally endangered rusty patched bumblebee, and state endangered northern harrier, prairie dandelion, loggerhead shrike, and many other species that depend on this ecosystem.
Take action today, and join in the Twitter Storm and Phone Zap to call out Governor J.B. Pritzker. He holds political power to stop the expansion and can be pressured with enough public determination to do the right thing and help us Save Bell Bowl Prairie right now, and in the future to protect this extremely rare and unique place on earth in perpetuity.
Below is a handy tool called Click-to-Tweet! Just click on the link and it will send the tweet that is above the link, from your Twitter account. This tool allows us to keep track of how many times people tweet at Governor J.B. Pritzker who could stop the destruction of the prairie. Different tweets are available, please choose one that resonates most with you. Or write your own Tweets too!
If you don’t use Twitter, there is a Call Script available as well that has a pre-written message you can recite while calling Governor Pritzker’s offices from the phone numbers listed. Feel free to add to the call script with your own personal message and let him know your thoughts and feelings! Happy Tweeting and Calling!
Tweet at IL Governor J.B. Pritzker
Less than .01% of original prairies remain in IL, the so called Prairie State. Bell Bowl Prairie, at just 5 acres, is ¼ of all remaining dry gravel prairie. @JBPritzker @GovPritzker plans to use 50+ million dollars in taxpayer’s money to destroy it! #SaveBellBowlPrairie
Click to Tweet this message: https://ctt.ec/tbchW
The recent campaign ad released by @JBPritzker @GovPritzker on March 24th boasts about the airport expansion that will obliterate one of the most biodiverse habitats and home to a federally endangered species the rusty patch bumblebee, its an ad for ecocide! #SaveBellBowlPrairie
Click to Tweet this message: https://ctt.ec/gmWb0
When Illinois Governor @JBPritzker @GovPritzker website only mentions climate in terms of a nonbinding "climate alliance" between other Governors, one of them being Tar Sands Tim Walz from MN, it is no surprise he is funding the demolition of the last prairie #SaveBellBowlPrairie
Click to Tweet this message: https://ctt.ec/a33on
The nonbinding "climate alliance" @JBPritzker @GovPritzker is supposed to follow says they pledged to cut GHG emissions. Thats absolutely NOT gonna happen if an expansion is built and more @amazon cargo planes are burning fuel directly into the atmosphere #SaveBellBowlPrairie
Click to Tweet this message: https://ctt.ec/8Da5f
We need people in positions of power like @JBPritzker @GovPritzker to realize that in order to survive, we must protect what is left. Not peddle false solutions and sign nonbinding agreements to feel good about their chances of staying in office. #SaveBellBowlPrairie
Click to Tweet this message: https://ctt.ec/DKA0x
What even is the point of having an endangered species list, if our Governor @JBPritzker @GovPritzker and other elected officials and state agencies will not operate within the parameters of keeping those endangered species alive!?! #SaveBellBowlPrairie #RustyPatchBumbleBee #BombusAffinis
Click to Tweet this message: https://ctt.ec/90v1b
Call Governor J.B. Pritzker’s offices
Call: 312-814-2121 or Call: 312-814-2122
My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY, STATE]. I am calling to demand Governor J.B. Pritzker does what is morally right for the state of IL and the future of life on this planet, by using his power as Governor to prevent the destruction of Bell Bowl Prairie which is slated to be bulldozed on June 1st, with his approval and funding for the expansion of the Chicago-Rockford Int. Airport. Governor Pritzker must do better than to simply focus on economic growth and short-term gains while simultaneously ignoring the destruction of ¼ of the state of Illinois’ last dry gravel prairie.
Bell Bowl Prairie is a Category One Natural Areas site that is home to many state endangered species, and the very important federally endangered rusty patch bumblebee. Which will likely become extinct in the near future, and even sooner if we allow places with extremely high levels of biodiversity such as Bell Bowl Prairie to be lost forever while he is chasing foolish campaign re-election talking points that ignore the significance of these places, and the cradle of life they provide to endangered species already in decline. What even is the point of having an endangered species list, if our Governor and other elected officials will not operate within the parameters of keeping those endangered species alive?
If Bell Bowl Prairie is destroyed under Governor Pritzker's watch and used as a pawn for his re-election by promoting job creation in Rockford, this will be the first time an Illinois public agency has used our tax dollars to knowingly destroy a natural area of this magnitude of great significance.
I strongly urge Governor J.B. Pritzker to reconsider his recent statements, particularly in his recent ad, and use his authority to prevent the destruction of Bell Bowl Prairie. There is no time left to continue casting aside pieces of “undeveloped” land for projects that will only further the climate crisis we are living through. The prairie is not “undeveloped” land, it has a greater purpose and function to keep the balance of nature operating so that our planet’s climate does not careen off the deep end and we find ourselves in the same position as the rusty patch bumblebee: desperately searching for a scrap of what we had before, to call home.
Thank you for hearing my concerns, and again I urge the Governor to stand up for our collective future and Save Bell Bowl Prairie!
In solidarity for the climate,
The 350Chicago Communications Team