Your endorsement is the first step towards building a strong, grassroots movement that will not only win this important race – but move Massachusetts forward.

Maura Healey for Governor

Maura and I were just looking over the list of folks who’ve personally endorsed our campaign for Governor, but we noticed your name is missing!

Your endorsement is the first step toward building a strong, grassroots movement that will not only win this important race – but move Massachusetts forward. Will you take 30 seconds to personally endorse Maura Healey for Governor?

Our team knows this race won’t be easy, but it’s a challenge worth taking on. Right now, our families are struggling to keep up with rising costs of living and limited opportunities. Our environment is buckling under the weight of the climate crisis. And we’re still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

At a time like this, we need a Governor who won’t shy away from these obstacles, but someone who knows how to bring everyone together so we can face them head on – and that’s why we’re with Maura.

As the People’s Lawyer, she stood up to powerful interests like ExxonMobil and Purdue Pharma. She is working to bring justice to the people they harmed. I know she’ll take the same approach as Governor and put our families first, always – but first we have to win this tough race.

To do that, it’s going to take a strong, statewide grassroots movement, which is why we’ve set a goal to get as many endorsements as we can today. The more support we build early on, the stronger our campaign will be when we reach the election. If Maura can count on your support, will you add your name now?

Thanks for supporting Maura,

Campaign Manager
Healey for Governor

P.S. I’ve included Maura’s original email below so you can see how important this is to our campaign!

From: Maura Healey
Sent on: March 29, 2022

“Maura, why are you running for Governor of Massachusetts?”

That’s a question I get asked all the time. There are a lot of reasons why I’d be honored to serve as your next Governor, but it all boils down to this: I believe in this state, I believe in our people, and I believe that together we can move Massachusetts forward.

Which leads me to a special request: Will you personally endorse our campaign for Governor? By adding your name, you’ll help grow our grassroots movement to build a Massachusetts where everyone can thrive.

As the People’s Lawyer, we made huge strides together and focused on the challenges impacting you the most. We took on Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers on behalf of families devastated by the opioid crisis. We stood up to ExxonMobil for lying about climate change and what their products were doing to our communities. We recovered hundreds of millions of dollars from predatory student loan servicers who preyed on borrowers.

And that was just the beginning. As Governor, I want to bring people together and expand economic opportunity for everyone. Right now, we have families who are trapped in debt, unable to afford a home, find child care, or get ahead. We can change this. Together, we can win this race and create the future we’re dreaming of for all of our families.

Now, we need you with us as we take on our greatest challenge yet: building a Massachusetts that works for everyone. For us to do that, we’ll need a strong, statewide grassroots movement, and your endorsement is the first step to helping us build that movement:

Thanks for all you do,
