Run for County Committee!
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** America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club
Established 1911. Incorporated 1912. A Legacy From 1856.
** April Issue of 'The Record' !
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** Run for County Committee!
The New York Young Republican Club is committed to the goal of electing conservative New Yorkers to vacant Republican County Committee seats. in the 5 Boroughs, We like to think we’re building the future leadership of the Republican Party in New York City and beyond, one block at a time.
Political parties in America are broken up into “committees,” or groups of party representatives that make decisions at the national, state, and local level.
The Republican County Committee is a low-lift, high-impact way to be involved in the Republican Party, represent your neighborhood, and make change happen at the local level.
In New York City, each of the 5 boroughs is its own county and has its own Republican Party Committee. The County Committee:
* Elects the Republican County Party Officers, including the Chair
* Nominates judges to be Republicans in Judicial elections
* Endorses candidates, even in primaries
* Appoints the Republican candidate when an incumbent vacates their seat before their term is over
* Selects the Republican nominee in certain special elections within the county
* Organizes Republican campaigns
* Adopts the Republican Party platform
* Registers residents to vote and ensure they vote Republican
* Provide a source of government appointees
Who are County Committee Members?
* Un-paid elected officials who serve a two-year term with no term limits
* Registered Republicans
* Elected during the Republican Party primary
* They must reside in the Assembly District in which they are elected
* Represent an Election District, which is the smallest political unit, usually comprising of 700 – 1000 people, or 1 to 3 city blocks which determine your polling place
* Each Election District has two County Committee positions, one male and one female.
What will the New York Young Republican Club do?
* Find vacant seats on the County Committee
* Identify, recruit, and train young conservative New Yorkers to run for these seats
* Help secure, notarize, and bind the petition signatures from registered Republicans in your Election District to get you on the ballot
If you arent sure of your registration status please use this form ([link removed]) to confirm your party registration and address.
If you are a Republican registered to vote in Manhattan and are interested in running for County Committee please respond to this email and we will begin the onboarding process,
Read on Website ([link removed])
New Jersey Invasion with Mike Crispi & Bill Spadea
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** April Speaker Series with Miranda Devine
Join us for our April Speaker Series with New York Post journalist Miranda Devine!
When: Tuesday, April 19
Time: 7:30 PM
ONLINE: Members: $10 / Non-Members: $20
AT-DOOR: Members: $20 / Non-Members: $30
Location: 3 West Club (3 West 51st Street)
Cash bar available.
Get Tickets! ([link removed])
** Board Position Available: House Committee Chairman
The New York Young Republican Club is seeking applicants to lead the House Committee.
This new Chairman will serve as a voting member of the Club’s Board of Governors and will report directly to the Executive Committee.
We are looking for individuals passionate about conservative politics with experience in interior design, property management, office management, and real estate.
Applicants must be current members of the Club in good standing and be willing to commit to attending at least one in-person Board meeting and one Club event per month.
Our ideal candidate will work remotely out of our Clubhouse on a daily basis.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the application form below and, if you qualify, we will reach out to schedule an interview.
Application for House Committee. ([link removed])
Apply Now! ([link removed])
** Join Today!
The New York Young Republican Club brings together men and women aged 18 to 40 to discuss important policy issues, promote Republican principles and values, and help elect Republicans to office. With hundreds of dues-paying members throughout New York City and the United States, the Club engages in politics by:
* Promoting Republican principles.
* Supporting campaigns through volunteerism, community outreach, and social media.
* Networking with politicians and other influential members of the party organization.
* Having monthly socials at New York City bars and clubs.
* Holding monthly meetings with speakers, including candidates, authors, pundits, and more.
* Attending fundraisers, leadership programs, and national conferences.
Show your support for your country, your party, and your city by being a part of the oldest and the largest Young Republican chapter in the nation.
Our membership includes conservatives of all backgrounds. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming environment regardless of race, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, or occupation. Benefits of membership include early registration access for events, discounts on admission fees, branded merchandise, and the ability to vote in our meetings and affect the governance of the Club. Become a member today and start networking with your fellow New York Republicans!
Join the Club! ([link removed])
** Join a Committee!
During this transformative time for the New York Young Republican Club, many of you have reached out to us asking how to get more involved with the club, and how to better support our efforts.
One effective way to do this is to join a committee. We are currently looking for Vice-Chairs for many of our committees, who will receive special discounts for working events and recognition on our website. In addition to Vice Chair positions, we are looking to build all of our committees in terms of members.
Please take a moment to review our committees here ([link removed]) and contact any committees you are interested in joining at the email address listed on the website. You are allowed to join up to 3 committees per our Bylaws.
To be a member of a committee you must be a member of the Club in Good Standing.
We look forward to working with you more closely.
Join a Committee! ([link removed])
** Join a Caucus!
The New York Young Republican Club has caucuses that advocate for representation of their respective interests in the Club and Republican Party. We invite our members to become more active in our caucuses to promote Republican ideals throughout the five boroughs and beyond.
Any group of five Voting Members of the Club may petition the Board of Governors to charter a Caucus to forward ideas, advance an issue, represent a constituency, endorse candidates, or propose resolutions.
If you wish to join a caucus, please email the caucus’s chairman or chairwoman or make a submission via the link below.
Join a Caucus! ([link removed])
** Support the Club!
The New York Young Republican Club is a grassroots non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of members and donors to support its operations. We hope you will consider a donation today so that we remain a bastion of conservative values for many years to come!
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Established in 1911, incorporated in 1912, with a legacy from 1856, the New York Young Republican Club is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious Young Republican club in the United States. The Club is affiliated with and officially recognized by the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs and the Young Republican National Federation, as well as the county, state, and national Republican committees.
© 2021 New York Young Republican Club
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