Recently, it seems like the news and social media has been focused on only one thing- Florida's Senate Bill 1834: Parental Rights in Education.
Or, as you've probably heard it called, "Don't Say Gay."
This is just another way the media is lying to you.
Democrats and LGBTQ+ advocates say this bill will actively harm both LGBTQ+ students and parents. But nowhere in this bill is the phrase "Don't
Say Gay!".
So what's the debate on SB 1834 really about?
"Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten
through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age- appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state
John, I don't know why the Left wants teachers to talk about sex with kids as young as kindergarten, but I know we can't let the media continue to
lie about it.
I need your help exposing their
lies. Can you donate $10, $25, $50, or any generous amount today? Click here to donate >>>
Let me introduce myself. My name is Brent Bozell, Founder and President of the Media Research Center (MRC). MRC is the only conservative organization
dedicated to exposing the radical left-wing agenda in the media.
When the MRC was founded in 1987, over 75% of Americans trusted the leftwing media... now, 90% DO NOT trust the Fake News media.
Before MRC, voters would believe their evening news. We have shown Americans how much they are being lied to. We are teaching voters to Believe in
America - Not the Media.
The media lies time and time again, but MRC is always here to stop them and advocate for the truth.
You and I need to protect our children, especially the youngest among us. While this bill passed in Florida, the media continues to distort the truth
about it to fit their radical agenda.
SB 1834 does not stop all sex education but merely aims to approve age-appropriate topics instead.
I refuse to stand idle and let lies reign in America. This won't be the last thing they lie about and try to get away with.
I am looking to raise $10,000 online for conservatives to go towards our Newsbuster program at exposing their lies.
Will you stand with me and fight for our children? Click any link below to support exposing media lies.
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Thank you,
Brent Bozell
Founder and President of MRC
Paid for by Media Research Center