From U.S. Senator Chris Murphy <[email protected]>
Subject It's hard to overhype how extraordinary Sondland's testimony is.
Date November 21, 2019 3:24 PM
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Friends -

The impeachment hearings have publicly confirmed what we have heard for weeks. Here it is -- right in Ambassador Sondland's opening statement:

"Was there a quid pro quo?... The answer is yes."

"We followed the President's orders."

It's hard to overhype how extraordinary Sondland's testimony is. He provides first-hand evidence of a Trump-directed aid-for-interference bribery scheme -- a White House meeting and military assistance in exchange for launching an investigation into President Trump's political rivals.

That's it. That's what happened. It's unprecedented corruption. In a democracy, we do not allow our leaders to use the massive public powers entrusted to them to advance their own political or financial interests. That's what separates us from tin pot dictatorships.

Republicans are tying themselves into knots trying to close their eyes and box their eyes, pretending to not see the corruption that is now 100% clear. Frankly, I've had to turn the TV off a few times these last few days - their performance is almost impossible to watch.

Tuesday, they reached a new low. They didn't just attack the testimony of Lt. Col. Vindman. They attacked him personally, questioning whether he could be a loyal American simply because his family's roots are somewhere else.

House Republicans baselessly went after a Purple Heart recipient with shrapnel still in his body, in a partisan attempt to undermine his credibility, and that line of attack quickly spread to Fox News and the rest of the far-right's propaganda machine.

It is outrageous and unacceptable.

Lt. Col Vindman, just like Ambassadors Bill Taylor and Marie Yovanovitch, is a patriot. Period. Stop.

I applaud them and thank them for their courage. Coming forward to testify was certainly not easy, but they all recognized that it was their duty to tell the truth.

This is far from over. Republican attacks are certainly going to get worse as they do everything they can to defend President Trump's corruption.

Here's my suggestion: Pick a candidate (or a few) and donate and volunteer to make sure we take back the White House, flip the Senate, hold the House and win up and down the ballot. None of this corruption will stop until we start winning elections.

If all you do is tweet or like a post, we're losing.

Let's get to work.

Every best wish,

Chirs Murphy


If you can afford it, please consider making a $3 donation today. Our campaign has some modest fundraising goals to meet, and small-dollar donations help Senator Murphy keep his time fundraising to a minimum so he can focus on the work we expect him to do. Thank you in advance.

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