🗞️ J Street's Monthly Newsletter: Friends, as we’ve seen in these first few months of 2022, we are at a critical moment for the future of democracy in the United States and around the world, with major challenges for American foreign policy.
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Street Talk: J Street's Monthly Newsletter


As we’ve seen in these first few months of 2022, we’re at a critical juncture for the future of democracy in the United States and around the world, with major challenges for American foreign policy.

As we fight to defend our values, pursue peace and head off new crises, we’re expanding our political impact on key races and stepping up in support of strong diplomacy. We’re challenging those who imperil democracy and standing up for the true principles of the American Jewish community and the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement.

Thank you,

Logan Bayroff
Vice President of Communications


J Street Condemns Surge in Terror Attacks Against Israelis

J Street Condemns Surge in Terror Attacks Against Israelis.

The entire J Street community has been horrified by the recent surge in terror attacks in Israel, which claimed the lives of 11 Israelis in just one week. These violent attacks terrorize entire communities, leave families mourning the loss of their loved ones, and inject further pain, fear and hatred into a conflict that has already seen far too much of it.

As we approach a moment in which three major Muslim, Jewish and Christian holidays converge, we are reminded of the urgency of our work toward a shared future of peace, justice and security. Read our full statement here >>

Challenging AIPAC’s Far-Right Anti-Democratic Endorsements

Challenging AIPAC’s Far-Right Anti-Democratic Endorsements

AIPAC’s decision to endorse and fundraise for 37 Republican Members of Congress who voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election results following the January 6 insurrection has sent shockwaves through Washington DC and the pro-Israel community.

“[AIPAC] has been accused of putting support for Israel before American democracy,” read the lead in The Guardian, with a wide range of pro-Israel organizations and former AIPAC figures condemning the decision. “It’s incredibly dangerous for a high-profile organization that claims to represent pro-Israel Americans to give a stamp of approval and to provide funding to the extremists who threatened the survival of our democracy,” J Street VP of Communications Logan Bayroff told The Daily Beast.

In a letter to members, AIPAC attempted to defend the endorsements, stating that “this is no moment for the pro-Israel movement to become selective about its friends.” J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami and Chairman of the Board Alan Solomont wrote a detailed response in an open letter to J Street supporters. “AIPAC’s letter suggests there is no line the American pro-Israel community shouldn’t cross in a single-minded attempt to achieve uncritical and unquestioning support for Israeli government policy,” they wrote. “We hope you’ll help us spread the word about AIPAC’s reckless actions and the harmful impact they will have on our democracy, and make clear that J Street is a home for all those who wish to stand up and fight for our democratic values and institutions.”

Together, we must make clear to elected officials that when AIPAC knocks on their door, they do not speak for us. Add your name to our petition today to tell Congress AIPAC does not speak for you >>

J Street Education Fund Brings Largest-Ever Congressional Delegation to Israel and the West Bank

J Street Education Fund Brings Largest-Ever Congressional Delegation to Israel and the West Bank.

This February, the J Street Education Fund brought 10 Members of Congress to Israel and the West Bank, our largest delegation to date. The intensive itinerary was designed to deliver an in-depth, nuanced understanding of the reality on the ground for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Led by 18-term Congressman David Price of North Carolina, members met with Israeli and Palestinian politicians and peace activists, heard first-hand accounts of settler violence and home demolitions, visited Israeli border communities to witness the impacts of rockets, and visited the city of Hebron, where the injustice of the occupation is simply undeniable. Read more about the impact of the trip on members >>

Our Congressional delegations help our elected officials fully appreciate the dangers of ongoing conflict and occupation and spark important discussions about the role of American leadership in stopping the situation from deteriorating further. Following the trip, we were lucky to have Representatives Jennifer Wexton and Jared Huffman join us for a special public discussion, where they shared what they saw and the lessons they took away. Watch the discussion with Reps. Wexton and Huffman here >>

J Street Launches 'Iran Diplomacy Works' Site to Support President Biden’s Diplomatic Efforts

J Street Launches “Iran Diplomacy Works” Site to Support President Biden’s Diplomatic Efforts.

J Street recently launched a special campaign to support and defend the Biden Administration’s efforts to restore the Iran nuclear agreement: IranDiplomacyWorks.

Our campaign, centered on a dedicated website, features easily digestible explainers, quotes from US and Israeli experts, polling and statements by prominent public figures. With this critical resource in place, we are ready to leap into action to support a return to the Iran nuclear agreement, the only effective way to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons and to prevent another disastrous war in the Middle East.

Our campaign, centered on a dedicated website, features easily digestible explainers, quotes from US & Israeli experts, polling, and statements by prominent public figures.

Following on the success of the nuclear agreement, after it was first voted on in 2015 and implemented, we know that the vast majority of American Jews and the American public supports these efforts. As J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami told the New York Times, “The beauty of having this argument a second time is that we actually have the facts from the first time -- the real-world experience both that the policy was good and that the politics didn’t hurt anybody who supported it.”

We are also pushing back on right-wing forces who are opposed to the deal, despite the support for it from security experts and the wider public. In response to an argument against the deal from John Bolton, the ultra-hawkish former National Security Advisor to Donald Trump, J Street’s VP of Policy and Strategy Dylan Williams wrote a Letter to the Editor in the Washington Post. He noted, “A majority of Israeli security experts have repudiated the ‘maximum pressure’ approach… Congress would be wise to heed the words of these experts and ignore the reckless advice of anti-diplomacy hawks such as Mr. Bolton.”

Sign up for updates about IranDiplomacyWorks >>

The J Street Action Fund: Shaping the Future of Democratic Politics

Jessica Cisneros and supporters.

Last month marked the J Street Action Fund’s first major investment in a political race, with $125,000 in digital messaging and GOTV mobilization in support of J Street endorsee Jessica Cisneros in the Democratic primary for Texas’ 28th congressional district.

Our Action Fund messaging highlighted the ongoing FBI investigation into conservative incumbent Henry Cuellar, drawing a sharp contrast between a representative that continued to put his own interests above his constituents and the opportunity to elect new, values-driven leadership.

“Our effort aims to show voters that while Rep. Cuellar’s fighting for his personal interests and out-of-touch conservative views, Jessica Cisneros is a principled, dedicated leader who’s ready to fight for the true needs and values of her district,” VP of Communications Logan Bayroff told HuffPost. “Whether it comes to ongoing diplomacy with Iran or US policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Rep. Cuellar has repeatedly aligned himself with foreign policy hawks who undermine true American values and interests. Instead of this kind of flawed and failed leadership, Jessica Cisneros is exactly the kind of talented progressive voice who will champion a more principled and pragmatic foreign policy in Congress.”

Polling in the month leading up to election day showed Cisneros edging closer and closer to Cuellar. On election day, Cuellar fell short of the 50% needed to avoid a runoff, which is now scheduled for May 24. The Action Fund will continue to use these strategic, targeted tactics to help support our endorsed candidates in other key races across the country in this cycle as additional exciting races ramp up.

Read our TX-28 Campaign Report

Learn More About the J Street Action Fund

You're Invited! The 2022 J Street National Conference

Register to join us at our National Conference this December.

The J Street National Conference is the year’s largest gathering of pro-peace, pro-Israel activists -- and one of the most important, talked-about annual events in the worlds of foreign policy and progressive politics.

The theme of the conference is “Living Our Values, Defending Democracy.” Taking place from December 3-5, 2022, It will bring together top lawmakers, activists, and experts to explore how we can best mobilize to take on and defeat the far-right, at home and abroad. Reserve your tickets now >>

Reflections on Ukraine

Ukrainian Refugees.

As we watch the Russian invasion of Ukraine continue to unfold, we continue to be horrified at the violence and injustice. For those of us committed to the battle for human rights, peace and democracy, it is a reminder of how connected our shared struggle for these values is around the world. J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami shared his reflections about the situation in Ukraine, which you can read here.

This Monday, April 4, Israeli Political Reporter Tal Shalev and HIAS Refugee Agency VP Naomi Steinberg will join us to discuss Israel’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as the catastrophic humanitarian crisis. Register here >>

Mourning the Loss of the Great Philanthropist Sid Topol

Sid Topol.

The entire J Street family is mourning the loss of our great friend and supporter, the philanthropist Sidney (Sid) Topol. Sid was a long-time, deeply committed supporter of J Street and JStreetPAC, a member of the Board of Directors and a key figure in helping the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement to grow and thrive. He gave so much of his time and resources to aiding our movement and so many other important organizations, institutions and causes to create a better future for Israelis, Palestinians and Americans.

Sid was a truly beloved figure, a source of inspiration and strength for all who worked with and knew him. His memory will be a blessing for all of us. You can read our reflection on his amazing life here >>

Our Israel: Meet the Israeli Organizations Working for Change

Road to Recovery Volunteer.

Incredible Israeli grassroots advocates and activists are fighting for a more just, equal and peaceful future for their country and for both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. J Street is proud to highlight their critical work through our Our Israel profile series.

Tzedek Centers are community centers throughout Israel that train and build networks of community organizers. Tzedek -- the Hebrew word for justice -- informs the group’s entire approach to their work and their ultimate vision for a shared Arab-Jewish society. “We knew there had to be a shared connection between Jews and Arabs. Not only around food and tourism, but also around local and national politics,” Executive Director of the Tzedek Centers Lev Littman tells J Street.

Read about the Tzedek Centers and share their story >>

Every year, the volunteers at Road to Recovery make thousands of trips, bringing Palestinians in the West Bank -- mostly children -- to vital medical appointments in Israel. Since Israeli authorities often only grant entry permits to children in need of care and not their caregivers or their vehicles, volunteers offer both practical transport and emotional support and reassurance. “On both sides, from the day you are born, you are being taught not to trust the other side,” Naama Goraly, the organization's CEO, tells J Street. “For me, every new volunteer means somebody whose beliefs have been cracked. And that means I did my job.”

Read the profile of Road to Recovery and learn more here >>


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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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