Hi John, 

You should be outraged.  

The sham impeachment hearings being orchestrated by "Shifty Adam Schiff" and the Democrats are all show and no substance.   Hawai'i's all-democrat federal delegation are all in favor of impeaching our President.  We MUST stand up and
fight back against their dangerous, far-left rhetoric.  

Is it my duty as your Chairman to fight back on behalf of you and all Hawai'i Republicans. If we don't help change the narrative and start fighting for President Trump, then we will continue to lose on every front.  Thats where you come in...

Are you able to
chip in at least $20.20 towards our efforts to fight back against Tulsi Gabbard, Mazie Hirono, and the rest of our federal delegation as they spew lies and hatred towards our President? They have to be met with strong opposition! 
Click here to chip in $20.20 towards our fight!
Your support of the Hawai'i Republican Party means that we can boost our communications & rapid response programs.  Your support today also means that we can work to recruit strong and viable candidates to run for Congress so that YOU have a voice in Washington and President Trump has more strong allies.  

Thank you for continuing to fight for our great state.  I appreciate any help you can give!

Your friend, 
Shirlene Ostrov
Chairman, Hawai'i GOP
Click here to chip in $20.20 or more towards our fight!

Paid for by the Hawaii Republican Party.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.  www.GOPHawaii.com
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Hawaii Republican Party
725 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, HI
Suite C-105
Honolulu, HI 96813

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