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Head over to to find all the details on this inaugural event and learn what the Net Zero Council Management Committee is saying about it!
Hosted in beautiful Harrison Hot Springs, BC, you’re invited to join a peer network of industry leaders for two days of networking and action planning on the future of Net Zero in Canada.
Want to know what home buyers are looking for in a new home? What features they will trade-off to get what they want? CHBA’s annual nationwide market research study — powered by Avid Ratings Canada — is the only source for this vital market insight.
Be sure your company is part of the 2020 Survey! Participation is free, limited to CHBA members and very easy.
The Canadian Home Builders' of British Columbia is holding its annual open house for 2019. This is an excellent opportunity to view new additions to the office and meet with provincial staff and Executive Board members. We encourage attendants to bring nonperishable food items as a donation for the local food bank.
You may register for the event here.
Advocacy Update
October Advocacy Update can be viewed here.
Legislature Day
The provincial legislature has resumed for the fall and members from across the province will be joining us for the second annual Legislature Day, which will be held in Victoria on November 24th to the 26th.
Accessibility Legislation Submission
CHBA BC will be providing a submission to the British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation. The submission will be available to the public once completed, near the end of November 2019. |
Interested in being notified of when the registration for the Builders' Super Week is open? Provide your contact details to ensure you don't miss out! *Signing up for this event is only for CHBA BC to contact you directly for when registration for the Builders' Super Week becomes available, this is not registration for the event itself*
Register for the pre-registration for BSW here.
Affinity Partner Preston Mobility
Save up to 30 per cent on your personal wireless, and add up to five lines to include family members. Several plans to choose from based on your data and device needs, and you can keep your existing number. This Exclusive Employee Purchase Plan (EPP) is not available to the general public or at any Bell store. Another great benefit to be a CHBA Member! For more information or to talk to one of Preston Mobility’s EPP Ambassadors visit

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8