
There are people out there in the far-off corners of the world who hate everything that the United States of America stands for -- and they have made it their life's work to destroy our country.

But they're not who I'm worried about.

I'm worried about the people right here in our own backyards who share the same hatred for our country as the terrorists hiding in the caves of Afghanistan.

Because when President Lincoln said "America will never be destroyed from the outside…if we lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" he was RIGHT.

The most dangerous threats to our republic aren't hiding in caves -- they're hiding in plain sight in our K-12 classrooms.

They're training the next generation to hate our country, hate our freedom and hate our Constitution.

Because they know the generation taught to hate our country from kindergarten to college will be the one that destroys it, and surrenders us to socialism once and for all.

The Radical Left has been quietly taking over local schoolboards one community at a time -- using their legions of teachers and radical union operatives as foot-soldiers to overhaul our education system right under our noses.

Now, I have bad news and I have good news.

The bad news is that they've succeeded. They've put Marxists in classrooms across the country teaching children not how to think but what to think.

They tell students that if they're white, that they're evil racists responsible for slavery, and if they're black, that they're helpless victims that will never accomplish anything.

The good news is this fight is far from over, and help is on the way.

The 1776 Project PAC is the very first Political Action Committee of its kind -- specifically created to take local school boards out of the hands of these America-hating, radical liberals...

…and replace them with men and women from their own communities who share the values and sense of Patriotism that REAL Americans like you, me, my dad and so many others hold dear.

I'm asking you on behalf of my friends at the 1776 Project PAC to join their critical work to save our kids and our country with a one-time gift of $28 or more.

I know $28 is an odd amount to ask for, so let me explain...

$28 in the hands of the 1776 Project PAC can have more of an impact than a gift of that size to most other Political Action Committees.

The battle to save our kids and our country is being won and lost on the local level -- not in Washington, DC.

That's why the 1776 Project PAC is different from any other group out there...

…and why your support is so critical today.

Local school board races are (relatively) low-cost elections, unlike those that grab the headlines every 2-4 years.

In many cases, your $28 contribution will have a much greater impact going to work for the 1776 Project PAC than it would for a national race.

Because the truth is, the 1776 Project PAC is doing what the politicians wouldn't.

They're stepping up to the plate, going state to state, and making education SANE again.

My father recognized this threat during his time in office -- and he took Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project head on. We need to continue what he started, and join him in this fight.

Now, I don't personally know you -- but I know you care about the future of our great nation.

You might not have kids in school like I do, but it doesn't matter how old you are, or how long your own children have been out of school -- we all have a stake in this fight.

Please don't underestimate what a difference your $28 could make.

God Bless you,

Donald Trump, Jr.
For the 1776 Project PAC

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