Primary Day is quickly approaching and local offices like school board, county board, and city council are some of the most important elections on the ballot this year. We’re a little over two months out and our new Local Candidates Program department needs your help.
Rush a contribution to help fund organizing efforts to help elect Democrats to local offices across the commonwealth.
The DPVA has been working on building out a robust program to help us elect more Democrats to local offices across the commonwealth. Our new Local Candidates Program department is dedicated to helping local candidates to be the most successful they can be by acting as a resource for training, development, and organizing infrastructure.
We have a plan to elect a record number of Virginia Democrats this year, but we still need to raise about $5,000 to ensure that our new local organizing program is able to reach every corner of the commonwealth.
Can you make a contribution to the Democratic Party of Virginia to help our Local Candidates Program be successful leading up to Primary Election Day?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thanks for your continued support,