It's official, friend!
It's been over 45 days since we sent the Spreckels Union School District a letter demanding immediate injunctive relief for the twisted gaslighting
they did to Jessica Konen's 12-year-old daughter...
And we haven't heard a word back.
Now, the Center for American Liberty has no choice but to sue the Spreckels Union School District on behalf of the Jessica Konen.
If you haven't heard of the Center for American Liberty, we're the group that's behind suing Twitter for free speech rights...
And we're contacting you today about our landmark case against the activist California teachers and school administrators who tried to groom
Jessica Konen's 11 year-old daughter into identifying as "transgender..."
...and brainwashing her into believing that she couldn't trust her own mother.
And now that we're just days away from filing this major lawsuit, I have a very important favor I need to ask from you, friend...
Will you join us by signing our Defend Parental
Rights Petition demanding that Spreckels Union School District, and every other school system for that matter, stop circumventing and threatening
It's our goal to get 1,000,000 American patriots to sign this demand.
Consider this...
Since we decided to help Jessica Konen seek justice against the Spreckels Union School District, we've heard from many other parents across America
facing the exact same kinds of injustices.
This lawsuit represents so much more than just getting justice for one isolated incident.
This lawsuit represents the thousands of young children who've been force fed radical left-wing gender theories and the thousands of parents who've
been stripped of their basic right to direct the education for their own children.
And if we lose this case, it'll give the far-left teachers, counselors, and school administrators the power to keep grooming and indoctrinating your
children and grandchildren with gender identity propaganda.
By signing the petition today, you'll be adding your voice to the vital work we're doing, and making it known that Jessica and her daughter are not
We'll make sure these signatures are sent to the school district officials to let them know that their behavior in unacceptable and the American
people will NOT stand for it.
So please, friend, help the Center for American
Liberty defend your parental rights by signing the Defend Parental Rights Petition today.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Harmeet K. Dhillon