As the parents of three kids under 5, Governor and First Lady DeSantis understand the importance of protecting children from the left’s woke ideologies. After Governor DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education bill, Disney executives spoke out against it in hopes of deterring the governor. To no one’s surprise – it didn’t work.
"You have companies, like at Disney, that are going to say and criticize parents' rights, they’re going to criticize the fact that we don’t want transgenderism in kindergarten and first grade classrooms. If that’s the hill they’re going to die on, then how do they possibly explain lining their pockets with their relationship with the Communist Party of China? Because that’s what they do, and they make a fortune, and they don’t say a word about the really brutal practices that you see over there at the hands of the CCP.
"And so in Florida, our policies have to be based on the best interest of Florida citizens, not on the musing of woke corporations," – Governor DeSantis