John —

The work we are doing to protect and elect Democratic Senators is crucial to our country’s future — especially now.

Mitch McConnell only needs to flip ONE seat to take back power, and his right-wing allies are already spending millions of dollars to get it done. We need a strong, grassroots coalition to beat him this November, which is why we’re reaching out:

As we head into a new quarter, we want to hear from you. Your input is crucial as we finalize our campaign plans and head straight into the upcoming elections.

John, can you take a moment and share your thoughts on our new April Priorities Survey? Input from supporters just like you will help drive our campaign strategy:


Keeping Democratic control of the Senate is vital to enacting President Biden’s agenda — because if Mitch McConnell regains control, you can bet he’ll sabotage our progress every step of the way.

Your support helped us send President Biden to the White House, make Donald Trump a one-term president, and FLIPPED the Senate by the slimmest of margins. We need to bring that same grassroots energy to defend the Senate from Mitch McConnell this November.

So as we continue working to defend and expand our Democratic majority, it’s crucial we hear what’s on your mind.

Please fill out our April Priorities Survey today. It should only 60 seconds:



Defend the Senate