From PCCC Elections Team <[email protected]>
Subject John, did you see the Lucas Kunce office break-in?
Date April 2, 2022 1:53 PM
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John, see this? -- The PCCC Elections Team



Lucas Kunce's U.S. Senate campaign office has been broken into.

[ [link removed] ]Chip in to help Lucas Kunce's campaign recover and fight back.

[ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see the Kunce campaign office that was broken into.

John -- I have some tough news.

Yesterday, we discovered our office had been broken into. Tens of
thousands of dollars worth of campaign equipment and other resources were
stolen. Some members of our team even had framed photos and other personal
items taken. And based on the materials taken, it’s clear our campaign was
a target.

The most important thing is that all of our staff and volunteers are safe.

But I’m not surprised this happened. Criminal elites have spent decades
protecting a broken status quo that allows corrupt politicians and
corporate insiders to strip our communities for parts -- and when someone
threatens that status quo, those elites will do whatever it takes to
squash them. It’s an unfortunate example of the absolute cesspool our
politics have become.

So here’s where things stand: Our first major FEC deadline of 2022 is
coming up on Thursday and in addition to raising money to get our message
in front of voters, now we need to replace and recoup tens of thousands in
losses from this politically motivated attack.

[ [link removed] ]Can you please add a donation of $10 or whatever you can afford right
now so we’ll have the resources to recover, fight back against the corrupt
elites determined to slow our momentum, and flip Missouri’s U.S. Senate
seat? The timing has truly never been more critical.

This is our chance to take back Missouri’s open U.S. Senate seat from the
corrupt politicians and corporate elites that have spent decades
destroying our communities -- and they’ve already made it clear that
they’ll do anything to stand in our way.

Thanks for all your support,

-- Lucas Kunce, U.S Senate candidate in Missouri







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