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Weekly Roundup

How Sanctions Will Hurt YOU - video

Who is the real target of the global elite's sanctions against Russia? Is it really Vladimir Putin - or is it you? It's an important - and all too genuine - question. With China, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Africa, and the vast majority of the Third World refusing to go along with Washington's sanctions regime, the truth is that its impact on Russia will be short-term and limited. The pain is going to be felt primarily by ordinary people in Europe, Britain and North America.

Already taxed half to death, and routinely ignored or abused by the Westminster elite, the hard-working people of England are going to be hit particularly hard. We all need to ask what is really going on.

Read more: https://www.englishdemocrats.party/sanctions_will_hurt


FREE 'Saint George's Flag' 5X3 for St.George's Day

The Saint George's Flag represents the heroic spirit of the English people and is a symbol of pride, courage and dignity recognised the world over but today the traitors HATE IT, so that is why we say FLY IT HIGH!

Remember YOUR heritage with pride…Order this FREE flag TODAY!

Order now



Police sergeant denies failing to act over child sexual exploitation in Rotherham

An ex-detective has denied failing to act on information about allegations of child sexual exploitation - Muslim Grooming Gangs - explaining at a hearing this week how he was juggling a 'massive caseload' with no training or guidance.

Read more: https://www.englishdemocrats.party/police_sergeant_rotherham

SAY NO TO THE WAR! Sign & Share the petition

After two years of using Covid as the excuse to rob us blind, steal our freedoms and impose crushing fuel poverty, the global elite have found a new excuse for their Great Reset agenda - the bloody war in Ukraine that they have done so much to provoke.

Read more: https://www.englishdemocrats.party/no_foreign_war

Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Party Chairman

English Democrats Party · PO Box 1066, 
Norwich NR14 6ZJ, United Kingdom
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