This is about holding the president accountable. Protect the Investigation

Hey there,

When the nonpartisan Defend American Democracy campaign was announced, I, along with many other veterans understood the risk in launching it. We knew the president or his team might accuse us of disloyalty or try to soil our reputation by calling our military service or love of country into doubt. But very quickly we realized we could lose more than our credibility. If we did nothing at all, we chanced losing the democracy we fought hard to protect.

It’s high time for Congress to carry out its most basic duty: to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Congress must make a tough choice — the right choice — or they will hear from us.

Right now, will you take two minutes to call your member of Congress to urge them to hold the president accountable?

From Washington state to Washington, D.C., I’ve been lucky to stand next to veterans who believe that loyalty is putting country over politics. If we allow politics to cloud our judgement, then our democracy and values stand to lose. The stakes are high and no one knows that better than us.

Today marks the end of our cross country tour, but the work has only just begun. We’ve done our part, now it’s time that our elected representatives find the courage to do theirs.

Please, call your member of Congress and ask that they hold the president accountable. This must not wait.

Thank you for standing with us as we send this message loud and clear.

Alan Pitts,
Iraq War Veteran

P.S. If you missed the announcement at the beginning of the tour, you can read it here.

Defend American Democracy is a project of Protect the Investigation.
© 2019 Protect the Investigation