Father of Child Who Was Denied Cancer Coverage under Obamacare Testifies at House Hearing Against Democrats’ Push for
Single Payer Healthcare
The Independent Institute’s very own Christopher B. Briggs testified at this week’s historic hearings of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform. The hearing was convened on March 29 by Committee Democrats under the revealing title, “Examining Pathways to Universal Health Coverage”. The Republican minority selected Briggs as its lone patient-advocate witness.
“The most serious Obamacare problem we faced was not high prices—as terrifying as those were,” says Briggs. “The most serious problem we faced was what those high prices mean in any government-controlled enterprise—that we’re on the path to scarcity. Which we found out when our daughter was twice denied coverage for cancer under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).”
“But single payer,” continued Briggs, “won’t fix the problem. And here’s why. Bad ideas don’t get better just because you make them bigger. They get worse.”
📽️ Watch the testimony here:
Christopher B. Briggs, Testimony, U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform
The answer?
A full repeal of the ACA and the restoration of actuarially sound, market-based insurance products curated to individual needs.
“There is no other way,” says Briggs. To read the written testimony, click here.
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