NDC Member Bill Action
Biden Requests Federal Funding for Kilmer’s Pilot Program to Spur Economic Growth and Create Jobs
NDC Chair Emeritus Derek Kilmer’s (WA-06) Recompete pilot program, based on the NDC-endorsed Rebuilding Economies and Creating Opportunities for More People Everywhere to Excel Act (RECOMPETE Act) was included in President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget. This bipartisan legislation will create jobs and opportunities in persistently distressed communities using flexible grants that address local needs.
House Passes Craig’s Bill to Cap Insulin Copays at $35 per Month
Rep. Angie Craig’s (MN-02) bill, H.R. 6833, the Affordable Insulin Now Act, passed the House. This legislation will cap the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 per month, lowering drug costs for hardworking families who are currently paying high costs for insulin and other diabetic treatments.
House Passes Sewell Legislation to Help Part-Time Workers Save for Retirement
Rep. Terri Sewell’s (AL-07) bill, H.R. 2944, was included in the SECURE Act 2.0, which passed the House this week. Rep. Sewell’s bill makes it easier for part-time workers to start contributing to their employer’s 401k plan. The legislation incentivizes saving by lowering the number of years of service required for part-time workers to make retirement contributions.
House Passes Williams Legislation to Increase Access to Care
Rep. Nikema Williams’ (GA-05) bill, the Care is an Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Act, passed the House. This legislation will require Economic Development Districts to show in their Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies how they will increase access to care-based services, including childcare.
Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) introduced the Federal PFAS Research Evaluation Act to implement a federal per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) study to uncover the health hazards PFAS exposure presents to communities. This legislation requires federal agencies with existing PFAS research to work with the National Academies of Science to conduct a two-phase study on PFAS exposure and toxicity, and to develop a federal research and development plan to address PFAS exposure.
Davids and Gottheimer Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Combat Opioid Misuse Among Student Athletes
NDC Vice Chair Sharice Davids (KS-03) and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05) introduced the Student Athlete Opioid Misuse Prevention Act address the ongoing opioid crisis among youth. This bipartisan legislation would expand prevention programs and improve mental health supports for student athletes.
Kilmer Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Federal Government Efficiency, Save Taxpayers Money
NDC Chair Emeritus and Chairman of the Modernization Committee Derek Kilmer (WA-06) introduced the Improving Government for America’s Taxpayers Act to drive better implementation of recommendations from the U.S. Government Accountability Office and improve government efficiency. This bipartisan legislation would direct the GAO to streamline the recommendations process and identify Congressional oversight actions that can help agencies implement open priority recommendations.