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April 1, 2022
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Senate to Vote on KBJ Nomination Soon
In the coming days, the Senate will vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as a Supreme Court Justice. Eagle Forum has grave concerns with Judge Jackson’s potential confirmation.

Among these concerns is Judge Jackson’s anti-life position. Throughout the hearing Judge Jackson refused to answer many questions regarding her stance on abortion, citing that either she could not because those questions were in the Court system or that she did not know. When asked by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) whether unborn children at 20-weeks feel pain, the Judge responded that she did not know. In addition, as an attorney, Judge Jackson wrote a brief on behalf of pro-abortion groups supporting a law that blocked pro-life advocates from approaching abortion clinics. Given this and her responses throughout the hearings, it’s not a surprise that Planned Parenthood and NARAL support Judge Jackson’s confirmation.

In addition, Judge Jackson is in-step with the Left’s woke sexual orientation and gender ideology. The most embarrassing moment of the hearings came from the answers to Senator Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN)  questions pertaining to biological sex and women’s rights. She invoked comments made by the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on men and women having enduring qualities and asked Judge Jackson if she agreed. Judge Jackson dodged the question altogether. She was then asked to define the word “woman.” She asserted that she is not a biologist and does not know the definition. At worst, she could have used a legal definition from a previous Supreme Court ruling. Instead, her answer (or lack of an answer) leads us to believe that she will rule in favor of broadening that definition allowing biological men to insert themselves into women’s private spaces, domestic abuse shelters, and sports.
Lastly, Judge Jackson consistently gave sex offenders lesser sentences than the recommended amount by prosecutors. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) described it as an “alarming pattern” of leniency. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) even displayed a poster showing that pattern among eight cases that averaged 47.2 percent less than recommended. Judge Jackson seemed unable to accurately defend herself on this issue. She said multiple times that these claims do “not include all of the factors that Congress has told judges to consider, including the probation office’s recommendation in these cases.” Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) summed up their feelings on this matter saying that she exhibits “empathy beyond what we are comfortable with.”

For these reasons, please join Eagle Forum in asking your Senator to vote NO on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court.

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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