The Hill: Virginia court ruling a welcome sign in fight to end race-based school admissions


Will 2022 be the year we finally see an end to discriminatory racial preferences in education?

Erin Wilcox and Wen Fa bring us some welcome signs of change in the air.

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New PLF case: Predatory tax takings scheme enriches private company with senior citizen’s home and life savings



Deborah Foss is a 67-year-old grandmother in Massachusetts who lives on a small, fixed income from Social Security and suffers from several serious medical conditions. She’s also living out of her car, having lost her home and life savings in a tax foreclosure.

She may be homeless, but she’s also relentless: This week Deborah filed a lawsuit challenging a state law that allows the predatory practice of home equity theft.

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The Orange County Register: Stop home equity theft by the State of California


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Even in cases of tax delinquency, the government cannot just take what it wants—or more than it’s owed.

Beyond being an egregiously unfair practice, home equity theft is also unconstitutional. Unfortunately, it’s sanctioned by governments in a dozen states, including California.

PLF’s Joshua Polk and Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, detail what’s wrong with the state’s tax delinquency process and reveal a new legislative effort to fix it.

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