Fellow Patriotic American,
Will you help us protect and save the lives of our nation's
retired K-9 Heroes?
In the past year, we at Project K-9 Hero took in 50 new K-9 into
our organization who needed a lot of medical help.
This year we have a goal of bringing additional 50 new program
members into our care. K-9s just like our most recent Pack
member, Military Working Dog (MWD) Max. Before I share his
background, I ask that you will relate his story to friends and
family, along with the many difficulties retired K-9s face. Many
folks are not aware that almost all K-9s receive no assistance
from the departments or agencies they served when they retire.
This means there are many K-9s out there waiting for basic help
and especially medical care that is expensive and lifesaving.
MWD Wax is a brave hero who is now retired and needs a lot of
medical care. Will you help Project K-9 Hero make sure Wax does
not get left behind?
As for MWD Wax, he served in the U.S. Air Force from 2010-2019,
as a dual-purpose patrol/explosives detection dog at Luke AFB,
Arizona. During his career, Wax performed countless sweeps and
patrols protecting billions of dollars in Department of Defense
However, his most important work included being assigned to
protect the President of the United States, on 14 individual
Secret Service Missions. MWD Wax was also deployed to the Middle
East five times during his career. This includes missions to help
protect American Lives and Assets in Afghanistan in 2012; Kuwait
in 2013; Qatar in 2014; Kuwait in 2015; and in Qatar in 2018.
Our K-9 Heroes like Wax put their lives on the line serving both
overseas and here at home. We must protect these four-legged
Heroes who have protected us!
Our K-9 Heroes like Wax put their lives on the line serving both
overseas and here at home. We must protect these four-legged
Heroes who have protected us!
After a decade of dedicated service to our country, MWD Wax has
experienced a great deal of medical issues in retirement. This
includes a recent diagnosis of cancer in one of his elbows that
requires pending radiation treatment or an amputation.
At this time, Wax is currently being taken care of in retirement
by one of his former Veterinary Technicians from the Air Force,
and is on multiple medications that total $200 a month.
Without the help from the government or any former handlers, she
has been working multiple jobs to help cover these expensive
costs, prescriptions, x-rays, and treatments.
It is not right for these K-9s adoptive families or handlers to
shoulder the financial burden their retirement requires. After
all, I believe these K-9 Heroes have earned every bit of care by
putting their lives on the line for years to protect us, during
dangerous and difficult work that strains their bodies, which is
what leads to their medical complications later in life.
We at PK9H are honored that MWD Wax became 162nd Program Member
and the first of 50 new members for 2022. Most importantly, we
will now be caring for Wax at 100% for the remainder of his life!
MWD Wax earned the medical care he needs to continue to live a
happy and much deserved retirement.
Can MWD Wax count on your support in his retirement?
However, it costs Project K-9 Hero $4,000 each year to just cover
one dogs every day needs like food and regular medication.
But many times, sometimes more than once a month, we have a K-9
who needs emergency medical care that results in bills over
$10,000! This is where our budget is really hit hard, but it is
also where it is most needed because these are the lives of man's
best friend at risk. We will always do whatever we can to get
them the emergency care they need, no matter what it takes.
Yet, we can't do this alone.
That is why I humbly ask, would you make a generous contribution
to help us make sure K-9s like MWD Wax get the emergency and
lifesaving medical care they need.
With so many K-9s being left to fend for themselves when they
retire, we cannot abandon them once again.
Please help me protect those who have sacrificed so much to
protect us.
Jason Johnson
Founder, Project K-9 Hero
Copyright © 2022 Project K-9 Hero.All Rights Reserved.
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