And gearing up to fight for economic equality.

Hey friend, I have some exciting news to share with you: 

PeopleGreater is supporting the fight for a more equitable economy by joining a new campaign launching today called Unrig Our Economy.  

Since PeopleGreater’s launch in 2019, you and other incredibly engaged and motivated activists have worked fervently to make the American democratic and economic systems more fair. While the fight looks very different now, one thing remains certain: big corporations and the wealthy are rigging our economy against working people, and Republicans are helping them. That said, we have the power to change that.

Economic inequity impacts every part of our lives and trickles into every piece of American infrastructure – including our health care system, our democratic system, our education system, and more. It’s crucial that we, individually and as a community, tackle this head-on. 

For too long, mega-corporations, the wealthy, and their allies in Congress have rigged the system in their own favor at our expense – so I’m excited that PeopleGreater is teaming up with Unrig Our Economy to make a real change towards an economy that works for us instead. 

Here are a couple actions you can take if you’re excited about the next phase of our work, too:

→ Follow Unrig Our Economy on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  
→ Read and share an article about the launch of Unrig Our Economy to get the word out! 
→ Check out Unrig’s new website to learn more about the fight ahead. 

If this fight isn’t for you – no hard feelings! You can unsubscribe here, but I’ll be sad to see you go! 

It has been an honor to be in the fight for a better country alongside you. Thank you so much for your work so far. I can’t wait for what’s to come next. 

In solidarity – 

Emi and the PeopleGreater Team



712 H Street NE Suite 1571
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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