Michelle Kucerak
SVP, Programs and Development |
With Earth Day 2022 coming up in just a few weeks, industrial agriculture—and its absolutely devastating impact on our environment—is top of mind for me these days. And I’m definitely feeling some eco-anxiety.
Things are not looking good. A third of all the habitable land on the planet is used to raise, feed, and slaughter animals for food. Beef production is driving most of the deforestation in the Amazon, threatening to transform a tropical rainforest into a grassland savannah. And while 6% of the country’s freshwater goes to watering and cleaning up after farmed animals, a full 60% of it goes to growing the crops they eat. These realities aren’t just hard for me to wrap my mind around—they’re heartbreaking.
But, thanks to the visionary work of animal advocates like you, I can imagine a better future for our beautiful planet. It’s a future without factory farms, without caged animals, without slaughterhouses. And it’s a future where people everywhere have access to plant-based foods—for their health, for the animals, and for this world we all share.
Thank you for being #ForTheAnimals and #ForThePlanet. Read on for ways to get involved!
Create change for animals
In honor of Earth Day, sign up to volunteer with The Humane League! The animals—and our planet—need you.
Going veg for the planet
Earth Day is the perfect reason to try going veg! Take the pledge to try plant-based eating, and we’ll send you our Chickenless Cookbook with some yummy recipes to get you started. (Already veg? Sign the pledge and let us know!)
Eating plants saves trees
Choosing to eat plant-based meals three times a day is an incredible way to combat deforestation, one bite at a time.
Saving species from extinction
Factory farms don’t just harm animals raised for food. As a major driver of global warming, factory farms also harm animals in the wild. These are 10 of the most endangered species—and how we can protect them.
Breaking it down
Pollution? Emissions? Carbon sinks? The links between factory farming and the environment can be hard to parse. We’re here to clear things up.
From all your friends at The Humane League, thank you for all you do to make a difference for animals!