With just days before Wisconsin goes to the polls, an extremist dark money group is throwing their weight – and tens of thousands of dollars – behind some of the most dangerous anti-democracy candidates on the ballot in Green Bay.
Since, 2020 Green Bay has become a battleground for a cabal of anti-democratic candidates hell-bent on overturning the results of the 2020 election and restricting the freedom to vote.
In the next few days, Restoration PAC, an extremist dark money group, will drop tens of thousands of dollars on TV ads that attack our endorsed pro-conservation and pro-democracy candidates for city council. This amount of spending is unprecedented in a local election of this size.
Even though these races are for local offices, the elections on April 5 could have a huge impact beyond Green Bay.
The candidates who win will be able to decide how to administer upcoming elections, which could make a huge difference for whether or not voters in Green Bay have access to the polls in November.
That’s why these local elections are so important – not just for Green Bay, but for every community where we’ve endorsed pro-conservation and pro-democracy candidates for local office.
Our ability to turn conservation voters out to the polls in November will make or break our efforts to re-elect pro-conservation leaders – like Governor Evers – who will continue to build momentum on climate action, clean water, and a strong democracy.