Could Hungary's election bring change on LGBTQ+ rights?

Gay and transgender rights are in the spotlight as Hungarians vote on Sunday following a series of rollbacks under Prime Minister Victor Orban's Fidesz party

U.S. cities scrap 'problem' fines seen fueling race, income gaps

From San Francisco to the Midwest to New York, the pandemic has triggered a policy rethink about the fairness of fines and fees for prison phone calls, overdue library books and parking violations

Can global brands' green push improve Bangladesh labour rights?

The International Labour Organization has put the government on notice for allowing continued violations of workers' rights, while fashion multinationals are pushing for greener and socially just business models

Malaria surges in the Amazon as wildcat mining devours indigenous land

By carving massive holes in the earth and disrupting local ecosystems, illegal gold miners in Brazil's Amazon create the perfect breeding conditions for the mosquito-transmitted disease

As Ukraine war hikes prices, Global South farmers struggle to find fertilizer

As the conflict enters its second month, its effects are being felt by farmers around the globe - but it could also be an opportunity for farmers to adopt more sustainable methods

How is the U.S. military preparing for rising climate security risks?

Climate change is boosting security risks from disasters, sea level rise, extreme heat and more - and now is the time to prepare, U.S. security experts say

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