John, my phone has been buzzing this afternoon with people sending me this article:
National’s focus on the wealthy is paying off in donations for their war chest, with some of New Zealand’s richest people giving them huge amounts. I’m proud that Labour is a people-powered organisation, chipping in whatever they can afford to enable us to run the biggest, most effective campaigns we can. But if I’m honest, this news is worrying. $1.8 million is a huge amount for the Opposition to receive in only a few months. This gives National a big head start on next year’s election. So it’s important we make up as much ground as soon as we can. Will you chip in today to help combat the $1,800,000 National is about to receive?
We run a small, efficient team who give us better bang for buck than National’s operation. But money of this scale does enable the kind of activity that makes a difference at an election, like buying advertising and billboards, training staff and getting out the vote. So please chip in anything you can today to help make up the difference. Thanks, P.S. You can read the article here - but it is behind the NZ Herald’s paywall. |
A short note on donations: John, we’re proud to be a truly people-powered Party, and it will only be through the generosity of thousands of supporters like you chipping in what you can that we’ll be able to keep up the momentum we’ve started. If you can, please click the button below to make a donation to our Party today so we can keep growing our movement, from now until election 2023. Our campaigning doesn’t stop now.