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Dear Supporter,
Before I dive into the rest of the newsletter: the ute tax comes
into effect today, meaning anyone buying (for example) a Toyota Hilux
will have to pay an extra $5,000 to subsidise someone buying a Tesla
or Prius.
If there's a change of Government, we could see the tax repealed –
but only if we keep this fight on the agenda.

here to get a bumper sticker and show your opposition to the ute
Co-governance "consultation" looks a lot like a

After a year of dodging questions on He Puapua, the Prime Minister
has now
confirmed that her Government will begin consultation on the wider
implementation of co-governance in New Zealand.
But it's hard to see the consultation as anything but a sham while
the Government presses ahead with its co-governed Three Waters
As our Executive Director Jordan Williams put it:
One of the key flaws in the
proposed Three Waters model is the total lack of safeguards against
rent seeking by tangata whenua. Indeed, it appears that the scheme is
being set up to allow expensive water royalties and other financial
‘support’ to iwi groups – something the Minister would not deny when I
asked her about this on our Taxpayer Talk podcast.
Co-governance is a recipe for rent
seeking and new taxes, and decouples those imposing the costs from
democratic accountability.
If the Prime Minister wants a
genuine discussion on co-governance, then she shouldn't let the
consultation be a sham. Cabinet needs to hit the brakes on
Three Waters until New Zealanders have had their
Our petition to stop Three Waters has now
received 88,000 signatures.
The advertising agency that's making millions off taxpayers

News reports that the Government has spent $35 million in the last
year alone on COVID-19 advertising.
We understand the need to communicate complex information about
alert levels, vaccine eligibility, and isolation rules, but the
quantity and quality of advertisements deserves scrutiny.
Clemenger BBDO has been a major beneficiary of this
Government, winning most major ad contracts and spewing out
multi-million dollar, cinematic campaigns. Browse
their portfolio for yourself.
It's not just COVID ads. Clemenger's 'Safer
Limits' ad for Waka Kotahi cost $2.4 million. And that's just the
production; another $195 million is budgeted for the wider 'Road to
Zero' campaign.
EECA's 'Gen
Less' ads cost taxpayers $8 million, largely spent with Clemenger.
The company also won contracts with the Human Rights Commission,
Oranga Tamariki, MPI, the Teaching Council, Health Promotion Agency,
Fire and Emergency, and more.
Not every ad needs to be big budget. Anyone remember the Auckland
Glass ads? "0800, 804, 804". Cheap as chips, and memorable. There
are countless agile new producers that can pump out ads on a low
budget. The Government needs to review its procurement
The bizarre COVID grants keep on coming

We've previously commented on the Ministry for Culture and
Heritage's $60 million COVID "Innovation
Fund", and it's time for an update.
The fund has now granted 105 projects a total of $15.9 million, and
many of the spending decisions are truly bizarre:
$700,000 on a "digital storytelling experience" about the Manawatū
$321,740 to tell the story of the Grey River using virtual
$20,000 on a business plan for Tongan mat-weaving
$250,000 on an online children's game about an albatross
$900,000 on an arts strategy for Christchurch
$20,000 on a children's book that requires the reader to install an
$248,460 on traditional Māori painting
You can find a longer list of examples on
our website here.
Common themes in the funded initiatives include virtual reality,
storytelling, digital installations beside rivers, and bespoke IT
Needless to say, none of these projects have any relevance to
COVID-19, despite the money coming from Grant Robertson's
rapidly-dwindling "pandemic fund". The spending decisions are
almost funny until you remember that every dollar could have been
spent bolstering our health system, or returned to a struggling
Incredibly, there is still another $44 million to be spent from the
fund, and it is clear to see that the Ministry has run out of
worthwhile projects to bankroll. It's only a matter of time before
taxpayers are literally funding underwater basket weaving.
High inflation leads to $637 million debt write-off for uni
We're blowing the whistle on a debt write-off
for university graduates that's costing taxpayers hundreds of millions
of dollars per year.
While it is well-known that student loan
balances do not accrue interest, it is often forgotten that balances
are not even adjusted for inflation. This means student loan balances
shrink in real terms every year in line with the inflation rate –
effectively a taxpayer-funded debt write-off.
The total value of unpaid student debt sits
at around $10.8 billion, listed as an asset in the Government books.
But the real value of this debt is rapidly being eroded by high
inflation – with an inflation rate of 5.9%, the Government has
effectively written off $637 million in student debt in just 12
months. That's almost as much as the Government was planning
to spend on the Waitemata Harbour "SkyPath" bike bridge.
The incentive problem is obvious: savvy
students will repay their loans as slowly as possible, maximising
costs to taxpayers in terms of both the inflation write-off and the
interest write-off.
This is a regressive wealth transfer from
working New Zealanders to the privileged – people with university
degrees earn significantly more than those without. Even under
Australia’s interest-free student loan scheme, recognised as one of
the world’s most generous, loan balances are still indexed for
Spanish taxpayers have done us a $99 million favour

This week we're thanking the taxpayers of Barcelona and Catalonia
for taking the $99 million America’s Cup defence off Kiwi taxpayers’
Funding for a millionaires’ boat race was never a good use of
taxpayers’ money when we are facing a generational debt monster and
painful inflation.
The success of the Spanish bid means $99 million is freed up
for the Government and Auckland Council to pay down debt or to
be returned to taxpayers and ratepayers. And we won't have to endure
another $900,000 Rod Stewart singalong:

Revealed: DIA's furniture blowout

We've exposed how the Department of Internal Affairs spent $2
million on furniture during a period in which much of their staff were
working from home.
Some staff members were even given adjustable footrests to install
in their home offices!
here to read the details.
The polling that explains the Govt’s fuel tax cut
A month ago, the Finance Minister was blaming fuel costs on
international conditions and warning that fuel tax relief would impact
road funding. But then the Government changed tack, and rustled up
money from the COVID slush fund to cover the revenue loss.
Perhaps the Government's internal polling showed something like

That's a scientific Curia poll we commissioned just before the
Government announced the temporary reduction in petrol excise tax.
In fact, 80% of Labour voters supported tax relief. In the most
deprived areas of New Zealand, support for tax relief was 88%. Click
here to see the in-depth data.
The lesson from the fuel tax cut is that regardless of our
Government’s ideological bent, it can be forced to listen to
people-power, strong campaigns, and public opinion.
The problem the Government faced was that New Zealanders
had already made the mental link between high fuel costs and high
government taxes. This didn’t happen out of the blue: the Taxpayers’
Union worked hard to ensure that New Zealanders knew around half of
their petrol bill was made up of taxes and levies.
here to see Newshub's coverage of our 'Fuel Tax Honesty Day'
The Government's preferred candidate for UK High
Commissioner is under investigation for corruption

According to the NZ Herald, Cabinet is set to sign off on
appointing outgoing Auckland Mayor Phil Goff as High Commissioner to
the United Kingdom.
there's a problem. Has everyone forgotten that Goff is currently being
for electoral curruption over an alleged failure to declare
election donations apparently linked to the CCP?
It beggars belief that Cabinet would even consider the
London gig while the stench of Chinese electoral fraud is still
hanging over Goff’s head.
contacted the Minister of Foreign Affair's office and asked whether
anyone has ever been appointed as an ambassador or high commissioner
while being investigated for a criminal offence. They couldn't find a
single instance.
New Zealand currently has a good reputation within the
international diplomatic community. That reputation is vital to
achieving high-quality trade deals and security arrangements. Let’s
not put it at risk.
Taxpayer Talk: RNZ/TVNZ merger + Wellington's allergy to

The Government has confirmed plans to
merge RNZ and TVNZ into a single publicly-owned media monolith. I sat
down remotely with National Party Broadcasting spokesperson Melissa
Lee to find out exactly what problem the Government thinks it's
solving, and how this move will impact New Zealanders' trust in the
independence of the media. Listen

The Treasury recently advertised for a senior economic
analyst with "no economics background required". Professor Robert
MacCulloch says this is just the tip of the iceberg and in fact
reflects a wider agenda in the public service to turn away from
orthodox economic rigor. I sat down with Rob to discuss the disturbing
consequences for New Zealand's economic stability and quality of life.
You can find all of our Taxpayer Talk episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or iHeart Radio.
Have a great weekend,
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'

The Platform Graham
Adams: The no-go areas that are killing mainstream
Newstalk ZB Andrew
Dickens on the tourism slush fund
ZB Jason
Walls: Cost of living to dethrone Covid as the most important issue to
Stuff Tallying
up the losers in the war on meth
ZB The
Panel with Frank Ritchie.
The Guardian Jacinda
Ardern united New Zealanders when Covid hit. Then a long second
lockdown split ‘the team of 5 million’ Morgan
Stuff The
stage is set for an election bunfight in
Stuff Covid-19:
Pandemic politics are on the way out, but a world of uncertainty
The Daily Blog Dr
Bryce Edwards’ NZ Politics Daily Political Roundup: The time is right
for permanent free public
Homepaddock Wasting
$s on bureaucratic back patting
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Blog New
Poll: ACT & Greens
Kiwiblog Taxpayer
Union Curia poll March 2022
Spinoff Auckland
outbreak peaks – but hospitalisation and death rate lags
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poll has Labour ahead of National, but it's a tight
NZ Herald Labour
just ahead in latest poll, after crash in
NZ Herald Thomas
Coughlan: Can Nicola Willis break National's economic
The Daily Blog 7.30pm
Monday LIVE – The Working Group Weekly Political Podcast with Sean
Plunket, Jordan Williams, & Damien
Stuff If
this history curriculum is shaping our future, the outlook is
Homepaddock Wellbeing
$s not well spent
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big media merger question is: Will state broadcasting ever be truly
NZ Herald As
Covid drops out of conversation, migration is back as the next
political flashpoint
ACT Kiwi
families under siege
The Working
Group The
Working Group Weekly Political Podcast with Simon Bridges, Graeme
Edgeler, & Damien Grant