From Jon Soltz, <>
Subject Please give me a chance to explain before midnight
Date March 31, 2022 10:11 PM
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Friends -

In just a moment I am going to ask you to make a donation to VoteVets before our midnight FEC deadline ends. I hope you'll give me a chance to explain why this request is so important.

The truth is, when I got back from Iraq, two things quickly became apparent to me. The first is that for a long time there was this myth that to be a veteran meant your views were inherently conservative and that Republicans used that myth to advance their views politically and electorally. Remember the Swift Boat Veterans?

I knew that wasn't true, and there someone needed to be out there speaking for progressive veterans and military families.

The second realization was that there just weren't enough progressive veterans in Congress.

We started VoteVets to change both of those things. And this year we have a chance to advance both of those causes: to help elect progressive veterans, and to elevate the voices of veterans in support of progressive candidates and ideals.

But we cannot do it alone:

Can I count on you to chip in $3 to VoteVets before our midnight FEC fundraising deadline comes to a close and we’re legally required to report our fundraising numbers?

DONATE: [link removed]

There is so much at stake in this election. Nothing less than the future of our democracy hangs in the balance. Thank you for helping VoteVets elevate the voices of those who have served during these perilous times.

All my best,

Jon Soltz
Iraq War Veteran and Chairman

CONTRIBUTE NOW: [link removed]

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