Monthly Update


We have an important deadline, and your support means so much!

Right now, every heart and mind is understandably fixed on the terrible events in Ukraine. I don’t want to diminish that in the slightest. My staff and I pray daily for evil to be defeated there, and for the innocents to be protected from its devastation.

But I respectfully point out that here in Texas, we’re also in the midst of a war. It’s not a shooting war, but it’s deadly serious, and it too bears a horrific body count. In fact, this conflict has brutally ended millions of innocent lives.

It’s not a war over the physical or visible landscape, but inner, moral territory. The heart and soul of Texas and its people. Don’t let anyone tell you that’s not as important.

Thank God, this war also has a whole other life count—that you and I had a direct hand in creating. It’s a positive one—and a source of hope. A case of innocents protected from evil.
Nearly 30,000 babies have so far been spared a horrific death by the Texas Heartbeat Law. A law that just notched another victory in the courts. That’s exactly how many Ukrainians just evacuated that poor city of Mariupol. I don’t know if you saw its footage—line upon wretched line of grieving civilians, fleeing for their lives.

There is also a large pro-life event that we are planning in North Texas... details coming soon!

Our efforts have saved that same number of human souls, and we’re just getting started!
You see, the Heartbeat Law is spreading. Eight other states are considering legislation like ours—laws that side-step the legal pitfalls of government enforcement. They saw our bill, to the whole world’s surprise, survive that recent challenge at the United States Supreme Court.

Imagine those 30,000 precious lives, Texas souls multiplying across America. Imagine what an impact our work is having on our country—and it's future.

And that’s far from all. Governor Abbott recently joined us in asking the courts to stop San Antonio’s attack on Chick-fil-A. Incredibly, that legal battle has waged ever since the 2019 “Save Chick-fil-A” religious freedom bill we worked to draft and pass.

San Antonio’s argument? That as a government entity, they’re immune to lawsuits. In other words: the city is above the law.


Texas Values' Policy Team at the Texas Supreme Court for the Texas Heartbeat Law

Your generous and faithful support, thank God, has helped us directly challenge this madness. There’s still more. Our Texas Attorney General took a brave stand when he recently gave public support to protecting young children from pro-transgender grown-ups bent on forcing sex change on their young bodies.

The liberal media has coined a clever term for this abuse: “gender-affirming care.” What they cover up with their word games is the brainwashing of young minds and maiming of young bodies. This is all happening while we are in the middle of the breakthrough of Save Women's Sports, by stopping biological men from competing in women's sports!

Elsewhere, we also joined the Family Policy Alliance and other like-minded groups in other states, filing a strongly-worded, friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the appalling case of Coach Joseph Kennedy. Joseph is the Washington State football coach fired for briefly praying on his field’s 50-yard line.

He’s another hero manning the front lines against liberal tyranny. Another brave soul whose human rights are hanging by a thread.

To top it all off, we even filed a brief in that case that recently blocked the federal vaccine mandate.

Friend, I don’t want to brag, but my colleagues and I here at Texas Values work hard to ensure the soundness of every law we draft and support—and right now, that work is paying off.

As we celebrate this good news, we also want to express our gratitude. Without your concern and stand for Texas and her values, none of this would have been possible. Thank you for caring—and for taking action. For giving generously, month after month, and letting us fight for you.

In closing, I encourage you to join us all in praying for Ukraine, and doing whatever we can to help save and shelter the lives being shattered in that remarkable country.
And as you do, would you also consider this war raging right here in Texas? The precious souls in Ukraine are worth saving, and their spiritual revival—in the very midst of carnage—is a potent reminder that the spiritual landscape of Texas is equally worth fighting for.

Will you fight with us by equipping us to keep up the fight? 

Please help us protect our beloved Lone Star State from the invasion of the Hard Left—and all those who crave the destruction of her values.

Will you pray hard, and give generously today?


Texas Values Team

P.S. War comes in all shapes and sizes, but it always brings death and destruction. The assault on Ukraine is heart-wrenching—and a call to action. So is the culture war raging here in America, and centered on Texas. Thank you for helping us fight so effectively on her behalf—and ours. And thank you for sending a bold and generous gift today.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2022 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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