From Shanté Wolfe, Caring Across Generations <>
Subject Spring Into Care
Date March 31, 2022 8:35 PM
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Spring brings warmer weather, longer days and budding trees. Just as our gardens bloom anew, so does our movement.

We’re hosting a call TONIGHT talk about the work that still needs to be done to improve HCBS for all of us. We’d love for you to join us.

The call will be livestreamed on Facebook [[link removed]] and YouTube [[link removed]] — please click on either of those links for a reminder when we go live.

Spring Into Care
A Caring Across Generations Mass Call
Thursday, March 31
6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific
Livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube:
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We’ll hear about the state of play in Congress and in the states, including an update from our friends at Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network about their groundbreaking organizing in New York and California!

We can't let up the pressure to make sure everyone can get the care we need. Now is the time to get involved.

Please join us TONIGHT at 6pm Eastern for this important conversation. You can stream it on Facebook [[link removed]] and YouTube [[link removed]] .

With Care,

Shanté Wolfe, Campaigns Director
Caring Across Generations
A gift to Caring Across Generations helps us change the way care is seen, valued and supported for all Americans. Your generosity is vital to our team’s ability to drive change. Together, we will create lasting change towards a society that invests in a robust care infrastructure — that means universal child care, paid leave, and home and community based care — because #CareCantWait.
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