Elizabeth Warren first supported me. Now I’m supporting Erica.

Elizabeth Warren and the PCCC supported me. Now I’m supporting Erica Smith in NC-01.

Split a donation between Erica Smith’s campaign for Congress, my re-election campaign, and the PCCC’s work to protect and expand our Democratic House majority.

Turn on images to see Erica Smith (NC-01).

When I was first running for Congress in 2018, having the support of existing Members of Congress and organizations like the PCCC was critical. They, along with my former law school professor, Senator Elizabeth Warren, provided me with advice on how to run my campaign, find staff, and importantly: They helped me raise critical money for my initial campaign to flip this swing district and my tough re-election campaigns -- including the one we’re in now.

Today, I’m excited to support Erica Smith -- a bold progressive candidate for Congress that the PCCC and I have both endorsed.

With a major end-of-quarter reporting deadline at midnight tonight, Erica could really use your help. And I’ll be honest. I need your continued support too.

Click here to split a donation between Erica Smith’s campaign for Congress, my re-election campaign, and the PCCC’s work to protect and expand our Democratic majority in the House.

Erica is a former State Senator, educator, minister, and mother, committed to making government work for all of us, not just the wealthy and the well-connected.

Reproductive freedom, voting rights, and universal healthcare are on the ballot in NC-01. Not taking a dime of corporate PAC or fossil fuel money, Erica's building a people-powered movement that meets this moment for working families.

Erica grew up in eastern North Carolina working on the same family farm on the same land where her ancestors were enslaved not that long ago. This is her home, and the community that's been there for her throughout her life. Now, with her community under attack by corporate monopolies, a rigged economy, a broken healthcare system, and a government that isn't responsive enough to the needs of working people, she's committed to being there for the community that's always been there for her.

I’m personally excited about the chance to work with Erica in Congress. But she needs our help to get there.

Donate here to Erica Smith’s campaign for Congress, my re-election campaign, and the PCCC’s work to elect Erica and other progressives in 2022.

-- Katie Porter

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