
This is it folks, our end-of-quarter deadline is tonight, and I am just short by $2,000. Unlike the Democrats who have Silicon Valley, Hollywood elites, and Liberal mega-donors in their corner, I am proud to have a Grassroots Army of patriots across the country who are sick and tired of the America Last agenda. 

You are what helps keep the Democrats on their toes, and ultimately, you are the American wave with the power to flip the House RED this November. This is why I’m reaching out for your help to get past this End of Quarter deadline stronger than ever! 
We all know what the Democrats are capable of, and we can’t afford another two years of their tyranny. Their policies have led to crisis after crisis, and the only way to fix it is with Republican leadership. In order to get it done, reaching our goal is crucial. 

While the Left allows America to suffer for their benefit, we have to stand up to their corrupt agenda. So, can I count on your help to reach $2,000 before midnight?
Fighting for our country,  
Beth Van Duyne