From Ned Lamont <[email protected]>
Subject Connecticut Democrats need you today
Date March 31, 2022 6:10 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
Hi John, I’m reaching out today because the Connecticut Democratic Party needs your support before tonight’s end-of-quarter fundraising deadline.

Can you donate here to help Democrats in Connecticut win up and down the ballot this November? [[link removed]]

Tonight is their first end-of-quarter fundraising deadline of the year, and they need grassroots supporters like you to help them build a plan to protect our Democratic majorities and stop radical Republicans from derailing our agenda.

I’m proud that three years after I took office as Governor of Connecticut, our state has a $1.77 billion surplus and we’re prepared to cut car and property taxes for working and middle-class families, retirees, and people with student loans.

I’m counting on our Democratic state House and Senate majorities to help me continue getting things done for Connecticut’s working families, and on our Democratic Congressional delegation to continue advancing historic legislation like the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

That’s what makes the Connecticut Democratic Party’s work this year so important, John. Democrats in races big and small across Connecticut need their organizing infrastructure in the months ahead.

Will you donate $10 today to help them support Democrats up and down the ballot as we prepare for November’s election? Any amount you give will help ensure that every Democratic candidate in our state has the support they need this year. [[link removed]]

Thanks for supporting Democrats, and let’s continue making the Connecticut difference every day.

— Governor Ned Lamont
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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