Dear John,
Congressman Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi continue to waste the time and money of the American public with their RIDICULOUS impeachment inquiry.
Unfortunately for them, today's nationally televised witch hunt, has only proven just how innocent President Trump is!
We now know for a fact that there was no 'Quid Quo Pro' and there were no conditions to Ukrainian Foreign Aid -- now it's time for Congress to END this witch hunt!
It's our job as ACT for America activists, to tell Congress that we've had enough.
We need to shut down the lines of Congress with our Phone Calls and Emails supporting President Trump and denouncing this ridiculous inquiry.
Here are 3 ways you can act in 10 minutes or less!

P.S. - As a grassroots organization, we rely on patriots like you to help spread our message. Please forward this email to 5 of your like-minded friends!