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On Tuesday, we went to Albany to demand lawmakers recognize the contributions of immigrant New Yorkers in time for the passage of the budget. Our communities can’t be sidelined in the budget—we need meaningful support from our leaders now more than ever. 

Demand Gov. Hochul Fund #Coverage4All!

In the past two months, we’ve rallied for Coverage4All in Harlem, Albany, and in front of Governor Hochul’s office. We’ve launched ad campaigns across TV and digital platforms. And with less than one week until the budget is finalized, we marched through the Capitol to make sure that Governor Hochul understood exactly what was at stake for 154,000 immigrant New Yorkers who lack access to health insurance coverage, during one of the most devastating crises of our lifetime.
We were joined in Albany by Lev Ginsburg from the New York Business Council, who made clear that Coverage4All is good for workers, businesses and our economy; and by the New York State Nurses Association’s Tonia Bazel, who emphasized the importance of this bill to ensure the well-being of New Yorkers and our health infrastructure. Members of our community spoke about the impact of their lack of healthcare coverage on their work and family lives, and the fear and pain they live with on a daily basis. Watch the livestream here!
Many of our champions joined us for our day of action, including our bill sponsor Senator Gustavo Rivera, as well as Senators Cordell Cleare and Jessica Ramos, and Assemblymembers Catalina Cruz, Manny De Los Santos, Phara Forrest, Eddie Gibbs, Jessica González-Rojas, Marcela Mitaynes, Karines Reyes, and Michaelle Solages. With broad support for Coverage4All in the New York State Legislature and the business and health community, it’s time for Gov. Hochul to step up and ensure it’s included in the final budget. 


Power Our Campaign for Healthcare Justice!
Real progress is within reach for New York—it’s time for our leaders to deliver. Help power our movement for healthcare justice in the final days of the budget negotiations. 

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

Power Our Campaign for Healthcare Justice!
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA