Dear John,
There are many ways our office can help you as a constituent of our district. While most people know that Members of Congress work on legislative issues and represent them in Congress, they may not realize that our office can also help you with what is called constituent services -- assisting you with any federal government-related issues you may have.
In fact, our office was honored by the Congressional Management Foundation for having the best constituent services out of all Republican offices on the Hill. Whether you need help with casework or contacting a federal agency, our team strives to serve the people of Nebraska’s Second district, no matter the issue.
Photos courtesy of the Congressional Management Foundation
If you cannot get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, our office may be able to help you. While we cannot guarantee a favorable outcome, we do our best to ensure a fair and timely response. There are specific case workers in our office dedicated to helping with passports, immigration, veteran’s affairs, and small business issues. If you think there is a federal issue we can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We can also help you with getting appointments to any of our nation’s military academies. In the fall, our office accepts applications from high school students interested in serving and offers resources to help students successfully complete their applications. Our board of community members interview applicants and then make recommendations for nominations. We then submit those names to the academies.
Additionally, my office can help answer questions relating to public policy or current legislation in Congress. We are happy to clarify or explain any legislative concerns you may have.
Every year, our office hosts three events focused on youth activities: Congressional Art Competition, Congressional App Challenge, and the Congressional Youth Advisory Academy. The art competition and youth advisory academy are open to all high school students in the district, and the app challenge is open to all middle and high school students. Call our office for more information on how to get your student involved!
The Congressional Award is the United States Congress’ award for young Americans. Our Foundation remains Congress’ only charity. The program is non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. Young people may register when they turn 14 years old and must complete their activities by their 24th birthday. For more information, click here.
Finally, we can assist you with flying an American flag over the U.S. Capitol to celebrate a special occasion. Using our flag order form, you can purchase a flag, have it flown over the Capitol, and receive a personalized certificate to recognize the occasion. There is a small fee to cover the costs of the flag and having it flown.
As your Congressman, I am blessed to have a great staff equally dedicated to serving the constituents of the Second District.
If you think we can help you in any way or have further questions or concerns, please contact my office at (402) 938-0300, or visit my website at