Hi John,

Our peaceful Pro-Life Vigils continue outside the abortion centres in Belfast, Derry, Newry and Coleraine. Join us for an hour to help abortion-vulnerable women, and pray for the unborn babies under threat of abortion. 

And our weekly Street Outreach is in Belfast on Saturday. Come along and be a voice for unborn babies by helping us collect petition signatures, and distribute our pro-life information leaflets. 

Please also help distribute our Election Campaign leaflets by handing them out to your family, friends, church and prayer groups, and around your local community. 

Contact us on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

The Precious Life Communications Team
Westminster Government preparing to force more abortion on Northern Ireland after Assembly Election
Precious Life condemn UK Government and NI Secretary of State for taking power to force more baby-killing in Northern Ireland...

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Pro-abortion Political Parties support same recommendations contained in horrific new guidelines on killing babies in the womb
Precious Life urge voters to reject at the polls, any candidate who does not acknowledge right to life of babies in the womb...

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