![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, Americans are pioneers. We’re trailblazers. What others say “can’t be done,” Americans do. For almost 250 years, America has been a beacon of freedom in the darkness of tyranny. But like many Americans, I’m worried that our country is on the brink. Considering our soaring national debt, the growing Deep State, and the destruction of our civil liberties, I don’t think that’s an overstatement. I’m Ron Paul, Chairman of Campaign for Liberty. During my time in Congress, I’m honored to have been called the “Thomas Jefferson of our time” for standing up to Big Government for nearly three decades. I launched Campaign for Liberty in the wake of my transformative 2008 presidential campaign, which inspired so many grassroots patriots to take action against the growing Leviathan in Washington, D.C. I’m proud to see how far we’ve come over the past decade -- but without the continued action of patriots like you, I’m afraid the country you and I cherish will cease to exist. Today, I wanted to tell you about why I founded Campaign for Liberty, the principles we stand for, and how you can help us to continue the fight. I’ve seen it time and again. Politicians promise “change” on the campaign trail, but when they get to Washington, D.C., they become little more than creatures of “The Swamp.” They run the Constitution through the shredder. They let the unaccountable Federal Reserve’s printing presses run wild. And the Big Government establishment in BOTH parties spends our money and mortgages our children’s future for pet projects that make them look good to a fawning national media. Meanwhile, hardworking Americans see their paychecks shrink as taxes, ObamaCare premiums, and the cost of living skyrocket. Unlike many organizations in Washington, D.C. today, Campaign for Liberty is not looking for “a seat at the table.” We’re turning that table upside down and showing our elected officials they work for us -- not their fat cat bankster and lobbyist pals. It’s our mission to remind U.S. Representatives and Senators that their only “job” is to uphold their oath of office -- to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution. Those who refuse to get that simple message will suffer the political consequences -- our grassroots army has proven that. Thomas Jefferson spoke of “binding our rulers down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution,” and with your support, Campaign for Liberty’s mission is to: >>> Expose the secretive Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed’s money manipulation has led to constant
economic crises and bubbles like the recent housing crisis. The Fed’s policies have led to a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to
Washington, D.C. and Wall Street elites as the value of the dollar has plummeted by over 95% since 1913. That’s why passing my Audit the Fed bill is our number one priority. >>> Promote free market economics. Allowing people to exchange in voluntary transactions -- and enjoy the benefit of their labor without the heavy hand of government -- has made America the most prosperous nation in the history of the world. >>> Fight for a constitutional foreign policy. Constant foreign boondoggles and spending trillions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the national defense of countries around the world is a recipe for disaster. We can’t continue to put our men and women in harms way while our defenses on the home front crumble. >>> Protect the Bill of Rights. The First, Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments are under relentless assaults and seemingly every day, Washington, D.C. comes up with some new scheme to silence us or inhibit free association, restrict our gun rights, spy on our emails, text messages, and phone calls, and deny Americans due process. >>> Advocate for self-government and the Tenth Amendment. We believe in the idea of a true republic, where the power belongs with the people, not in some massive government building in Washington, D.C. and we don’t believe we should take our marching orders from those who would turn us into a globalist “utopia.” Our country is ailing. And elections themselves won’t be enough to fix that. That is the bad news. But the good news is the remedy is so simple and attractive: a return to the principles our Founders taught us! I can’t thank you enough for your recent action in support of Campaign for Liberty. I’m honored to have you by my side as we fight to Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution. Be sure to keep an eye out in the coming days and weeks for more information about the fights we’re taking on and what you can do to help. The action of patriots like you is the key to our success. During my time in Congress, I saw firsthand what happened when my colleagues started to feel the heat from concerned citizens like you on an issue. They got this unmistakable look of concern on their faces that their constituents might actually be watching them! Sadly, many would rather you ignore what happens in Washington, D.C. so they can get back to “business as usual” -- ramping up spending and growing government. So I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to take action to help stop the madness in Washington. Your action is a vital part of Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to restore free markets, sound money, individual liberty, strict constitutional government, and a constitutional foreign policy. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Thanks for taking action and joining Campaign for Liberty! My letter above was meant to provide you with an in-depth look into the fundamental philosophy of liberty we embrace. Later this week, you’ll hear from my good friend and longtime staffer, Norm Singleton, President of Campaign for Liberty, with some additional information about C4L’s ongoing fights. I hope you’ll take the time to read about all the wonderful things Campaign for Liberty has accomplished, and -- if possible -- lend your support. |