Hey Team,
I just told MJ we're still pretty far away from hitting. Folks will be tuning out for the holiday in just a few days, so we need to make some real progress right away or we risk coming up short this month! Will you pitch in right now to help us get there?
Use this special link so your donation gets counted toward our November goal immediately: https://www.mjfortexas.com/november/mustmeet
MJ has been traveling all over to talk with Texans and earn their votes. She’s not accepting corporate PAC money, so she doesn’t spend any of her time schmoozing the corporate special interests.
And even though Sen. Cornyn has nearly 11 MILLION DOLLARS to spend against her thanks to his special interest and corporate PAC donors, MJ’s been able to count on you to build a truly grassroots campaign. This grassroots team has had her back every step of the way, and we’ve hit every single goal we’ve set since we launched!
But with each month, it becomes even more important that we keep hitting our goals. Sen. Cornyn will have more and more money from corporate PACs and the powerful DC special interests pouring into his campaign, and we have to be prepared to fight back.
We don’t need them, because we’ve got you. But we have to hit this goal.
Will you pitch in whatever you can right now to get us over the finish line? I don’t want to let MJ down.