Be part of our ambitious plan to work alongside 5 million more people
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Are you ready to start a ripple?
Dear Friend,
Covid-19, the climate crisis, and conflict are threatening to push millions more people into extreme poverty. With your support, we are doing all we can to stop this from happening. 
That's why we are launching a new ambitious plan to work alongside five million more people in rural Africa by 2030 to transform their lives and protect the planet.
By continuing to focus on three key areas - climate-positive farming, business skills and gender and social inclusion - the resourceful families we work alongside can create positive change in their communities that will grow and grow. 
We are proud to say that for each family you help support, three more families will benefit, creating a ripple effect across rural Africa. Thank you for joining us in helping more families to overcome poverty and hunger in the next decade.
With best wishes,

J. Michael Coburn
Executive Director of US Development
Send a Cow US
Send a Cow US
PO Box 40730
1210 S Glebe Rd
Arlington, VA 22204

[email protected]
Send a Cow US is a registered 501c3 charity in the United States
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