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DRA board member echo Greenlee (CEO of, a woman with blonde hair looking away and smiling with her hands folded + "It's A New Day" + DRA logo (Yellow arc within a black square + "Disability Rights Advocates")
Image: DRA board member echo Greenlee (CEO of, a woman with blonde hair looking away and smiling with her hands folded + "It's A New Day" + DRA logo (Yellow arc within a black square + "Disability Rights Advocates")
Dear DRA family,

A long time coming, I’m so pleased to share with you all DRA’s new website

Soon after you learned I would be taking on the role of President & CEO at DRA, so many of you reached out with me to share well-founded feedback about our site’s accessibility. And so many of you worked closely with me and the DRA team, to build a new brand identity that embodies the bold, bright, inclusive future we all envision for the organization.
We hope you enjoy the website’s new look and feel and we’re proud of the accessibility enhancements we’ve worked to employ over the last year of development including:
  • Forms with understandable labels
  • Accessible navigation menus
  • Higher contrast color schemes
  • Simplified, clear, strong content for easier navigation by all users
  • Clarified links and images with appropriate alternative text
Portrait of DRA President & CEO Kathy Martinez, a smiling woman with dark hair
We’re committed to continuing to work with our community and our developers in the weeks, months, and years ahead to ensure that our website brings you the information you want and need.
Here’s to progress!

Kathy Martinez
Kathy Martinez signature
Image: Kathy Martinez signature
Image: Portrait of DRA President & CEO Kathy Martinez, a smiling woman with dark hair
Click Here to Visit DRA's New Website
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