Two-thirds of households with children have lost income during the pandemic
At least two-thirds of households with children have lost income since the COVID-19 pandemic hit two years ago, according to a new report published today by UNICEF and the World Bank.
Impact of COVID-19 on the welfare of households with children – which presents findings from data collected in 35 countries – notes that households with three or more children were most likely to have lost income, with more than three-quarters experiencing a reduction in earnings.
The report also notes that income losses have left adults in 1 in 4 households with children going without food for a day or more. Adults in nearly half of households with children reported skipping a meal due to a lack of money. Around a quarter of adults in households with or without children reported stopping working since the pandemic hit, the report says. Read more.
News highlights and events
Extreme poverty and sustainable development
By BRAC International
BRAC International’s Executive Director Shameran Abed spoke to the UK’s International Development Committee (IDC). The IDC is running an inquiry into extreme poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the session covered the state of extreme poverty around the world. The session is available to watch.
Child poverty reduction for a just society in Montenegro
Every third child in Montenegro is at risk of poverty and this number is expected to increase due to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Universal child grants ensure that the basic needs of every child are covered, and parents are supported. Congratulations to Montenegro for approving a universal child grant for all children aged 0 - 18, which will reduce child poverty by nearly 7 percentage points. Read more.
Cash and vouchers assistance and child protection
By Save the Children
Save the Children conducted a global review of ten Country Offices and their programs in order to assess the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify evidence gaps, and document best programmatic practices. This analysis has been conducted on three different types of programs. Read more.
Shortfalls in Social Spending in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: COVID-19 and Shrinking Finance for Social Spending
“Shortfalls in Social Spending in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: COVID-19 and Shrinking Finance for Social Spending”, a new publication by UNICEF launched in February, aims to focus on the importance of adequacy of social spending, which is clearly articulated by the Sustainable Development Goals well as by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This recent publication clearly tells us that Governments must undertake major efforts in mobilizing both domestic and external resources to counteract the impact of the COVID-19 and to adequately finance social services.
You can read the full publication, watch the event recording, and check out some of the key messages from the speakers.
Eurochild position paper on the European Care Strategy
By Eurochild
Eurochild welcomes the announcement by the European Commission to develop a European Care Strategy, and the commitment by the Council of the European Union to ‘promote active and healthy aging, as well as the accessibility, affordability, and quality of childcare and long-term care, including through enhancing support for formal and informal carers.’ Read more.
Policy use of multidimensional poverty measures
UNICEF has conducted a comprehensive review of the actual use of multidimensional poverty measures and organized a webinar on 8 March to discuss how multidimensional poverty measures have been used to reduce poverty and to hear how Colombia, Kenya, and Montenegro have put them to use. Check out the full review.
Arigatou International has opened the call for the 2nd edition of the Children’s Solutions Lab
By Arigatou International
The Children’s Solutions Lab (CLS) aims to support young people in taking action to address poverty affecting children in their communities through solutions based on education and seeks to promote ethical reflections among children about the root causes of poverty and how some cultural norms can impact the wellbeing of children and, ultimately, lead to child poverty. The initiative also aims to support children in finding local solutions to address these issues in their communities. Read more.
Women’s economic empowerment
By World Vision International
Women's economic empowerment is central to realizing World Vision's mission “for every child, life in all its fullness.” The organization recently launched new Women’s Economic Empowerment framework and programmatic tools. Find out more about the framework and read World Vision International’s research conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina to better understand the connection between mothers’ and children’s well-being.
Solidarity with children of Ukraine hub
By Eurochild
In response to the war in Ukraine, Eurochild is collecting information for children and organizations working for children. You can upload or share links to guides, photos, videos, testimonials, calls for donations, and other forms of support using the online form. Find out more about this initiative.
Eurochild has also written a letter to Heads of EU institutions and EU allies documenting the members’ experience with helping the children of Ukraine. Read more.
A System of “Care” That Harms Children
By ATD Fourth World
We often think that “care” or “foster care” protects children from parents who hurt them. In fact, however, the state often removes children from loving families simply because they are poor. Ironically, a system meant to protect children ends up causing them immeasurable harm. Read more from this article which is adapted from the remarks of Dr. Gill Main, Professor of Childhood, Youth and Social Justice at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Making Child Sensitive Social Protection Gender-Responsive: Examples from Asia and Africa
By Save the Children
This paper provides some case studies regarding how gender inequalities have been analyzed and responded to in Save the Children’s work on CSSP, in order to provide some practical ideas on gender-responsive programming. Selected research from other interventions and global reviews is also drawn upon to help contextualize the case studies. The paper covers: (1) maternal cash transfers, child grants, and family allowances; (2) public works programmes; and (3) school stipends.
→Read the publication
Advocating for Children’s Rights and Well-Being – An Interfaith Approach
By Arigatou International
Arigatou International’s Prayer and Action for Children and Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) initiatives, with consultation from GNRC members in five world regions as well as Arigatou International’s Ethics Education for Children and End Child Poverty initiatives. A “how-to” guide designed to encourage an interfaith approach to advocacy for children’s rights and well-being around the world.
→Read more
Training on Multidimensional Poverty Index
The 2022 May programme for OPHI Executive Education to train leaders in how to use the Multidimensional Poverty Index MPI for policy will take place between May 9 to 13 2022. Policymakers and policy leaders are encouraged to apply. Learn more and apply here.
OPHI Summer School 2022: Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis is accepting applications. Find out more.
Street Library
By ATD Fourth World
ATD Fourth World in France launched a 12-hour Online Course to discover ATD Fourth World's "Street Library" action. The main objective of a street library is to reach out to people living in extreme poverty, primarily children, with books. The course is only in French. Find out more about the Street Library and register here (in French).
Ethics Education for Children: A Transformative Pedagogy for Learning to Live Together
By Arigatou International
The learning to live together (LTLT) course is starting from 15th to 28th June 2021. Find out more and register here.
Stay tuned!
By the African Child Policy Forum
African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) is finalizing a report titled “Good Practices Report on Child-Sensitive Economic Policies in Africa” which is planned to be published in May.
ACPF is also planning and working to hold the 9th International Policy Conference (IPC) in September 2022 on the theme “The African Child and the Climate Crises.” This IPC will provide a space for Pan-African, national and global actors to look deeper into the impact of climate change, to catalyze policy and action that will enable us to keep moving forward in advancing the rights of children in Africa.
Have ideas on what to include in future Child Poverty newsletter?
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The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is a global initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support global and national action to alleviate it as outlined by SDG Goal 1: No Poverty. Our members work together as part of the Coalition, as well as individually, to achieve a world where all children grow up free from poverty, deprivation and exclusion.