Senate Climate Caucus announces membership; Documentary series on CCL
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CCL Newsletter, November 2019
Table of Contents:
November Lobby Day
Columbia study on H.R. 763
Senate Climate Caucus membership
Documentary series on volunteers
Year-end appeal and Facebook
Lobbying: Building relationship
This week on the CCL blog
Training topics
Action Team updates
Another big day on Capitol Hill for CCL volunteers
As we've done since 2014, CCL volunteers returned to Washington for our
November Lobby Day, with more than 800 advocates conducting 480 meetings
on Capitol Hill, our largest November turnout yet.
In every meeting, volunteers brought hundreds of constituent letters
expressing support for the Energy Innovation Act. "That's a LOT of
engagement," said James Whaley (shown above), energy aide for Virginia
Democratic Senator Tim Kaine.
Following our lobby day, four more representatives cosponsored H.R. 763:
Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA), Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY), Rep. Donald Payne,
Jr. (D-NJ) and Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO). The number of House members signed
on to the bill is now 73.
You can keep the momentum going by executing our November actions, which
include sharing our November Lobby Day social media.
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Columbia study affirms H.R. 763 effectiveness
Earlier this month, economists from Columbia University released a study
on the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. The authors
conservatively estimate the legislation will drive emissions reductions
of 36% to 38% by 2030. The study also confirmed that "average low- and
middle-income households receive more in dividends than they pay in
increased economy-wide prices."
"We're encouraged that economists from Columbia's prestigious Center on
Global Energy Policy have assessed this policy and found it to have such
positive impacts," said Dr. Danny Richter, CCL's Vice President of
Government Affairs.
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Senate Climate Caucus announces membership
The bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus, formed last month by
Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), has announced its
membership. Joining Braun and Coons are Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), Sen.
Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Angus King (I-ME), Sen. Lisa Murkowski
(R-AK), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Sen.
Marco Rubio (R-FL).
Several members went on CBS This Morning
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to talk about their decision to join the caucus. "It's real. We've got
to take action," Sen. Romney said. "It's chemistry and physics. I'm not
going to deny that," Sen. Braun added.
You can retweet our post on Twitter with a comment expressing
appreciation for any of the senators on the caucus.
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CCL volunteers featured in documentary series
Starting this week, CCL is launching a series of documentaries about our
volunteers. There are seven videos, each one featuring a different CCL
volunteer in his or her hometown, sharing a bit about their lives and
the work that they do to support action on climate change. A new video
will be posted each week.
The first video features Emily, a young Latina in Fresno attending
Stanford University. She explains that because of their work in
California's fields, the Latino immigrant community directly feels the
impact of climate change.
Watch and share Emily's video on CCL's Facebook
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, Twitter
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, or Instagram
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Use Facebook to amplify our year-end appeal
It takes robust coordination, training and systems to help our growing
nationwide coalition of 160,000+ climate advocates to be successful. And
it's donations from individual supporters, like you, that make our
grassroots work possible.
Will you help us make climate solutions a reality in Congress by making
a tax-deductible year-end gift to Citizens' Climate Education (CCE)?
Our goal is to raise $100,000 on Giving Tuesday — December 3 — and
$500,000 by the end of the year. As part of our year-end fundraiser,
we're also encouraging you to invite others to join you in making a
contribution. This holiday season, you may even consider asking friends
and family to make a donation to CCE rather than buying you a gift.
For those of you on Facebook, creating a Facebook Fundraiser
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is one of the easiest ways to leverage support. It only takes a few
minutes to put together and share. Plus, Facebook does a great job of
helping you be successful. All donations made through Facebook are
tax-deductible and will be directed to CCE to be counted toward our
year-end fundraising goal. If you don't have Facebook, emailing friends
and family works well too.
Whether you are able to help raise $100 or $1,000, your efforts are
meaningful in making bipartisan climate policies a reality. Thank you
for considering this opportunity and please email Christopher "Topher"
Anderson with any questions at
[email protected].
Lobbying: Deepening ties to Rep. Eshoo
When the Energy Innovation Act was originally introduced in the fall of
2018, Rep. Anna Eshoo quickly signed on as a cosponsor. CCL volunteers
in the Silicon Valley North chapter celebrated her cosponsorship with a
cake at their meeting that month. CCL's liaison to Rep. Eshoo, Karl
Danz, put together a lovely framed collage with photos of the cake and
of their chapter (pictured above). The message says, in part, "At our
chapter meeting, we shared our heartfelt appreciation for your decision
to cosponsor the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act." This now
hangs on the wall in Rep. Eshoo's district office. Great job to the
chapter and to the liaison for maintaining a strong and supportive
relationship with their member of Congress!
CCL volunteers are regularly activating the " five levers
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" of political will in their communities. To talk with other CCLers
about their lobbying activities and get advice or ideas for your own,
head to the "Lobbying Congress" forum on CCL Community.
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This week on the CCL blog
Concert stirs up campus support: Inspired by CCL volunteer Regina
Pistilli's climate course, students at Westminster College in Salt Lake
City organized a climate aid concert and art show on campus to raise
awareness of climate change and the Energy Innovation and Carbon
Dividend Act. Read more
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Training topics
CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for
existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers.
Here are the next few sessions you can join:
11/21 Citizens' Climate University: Off this week - While there is no
"live" CCU this week, catch up on the presentations from our November
Lobby Day, including legislative updates, lobby training and being a
good listener. Learn more
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11/26 Core Volunteer Training: Using Social Media Basics - Join CCL's
Marketing & Events Director Ashley Hunt-Martorano in this session to
learn about using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to support your
climate advocacy work. Learn more
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To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics
page of CCL Community
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Action Team updates
Featured Action Team : Led by Ashley Hunt Martorano and Flannery
Winchester, the Social Media Action Team supports CCL's national efforts
with strategic social media activities. Often, this means adding
positive comments on posts from members of Congress and sharing specific
posts from CCL. The team also responds to social media questions and
action opportunities posted by team members.
You can learn about and join on the Social Media Action Team's
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page on Facebook.
Other upcoming Action Team calls …
11/20 - Climate and Culture Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.
Joint call with the Latinos Action Team.
11/20 - Team OIL Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.
11/20 - Strategic Planning Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT
11/21 - Presbyterian Action Team call at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT.
11/21 - Faith Leaders Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT
11/25 - Labor Outreach Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT. Guest
speaker will be CCL Senior Director of Government Affairs Andres
11/25 - Health Action Team call at 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT. Guest
speaker will be CCL Senior Director of Government Affairs Ben
11/26 - Team Ocean Action Team call at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT.
11/27 - Climate & Environmental Justice Action Team call at 9 p.m. ET/6
p.m. PT.
Visit the full event calendar for dial-in details and future events
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To check out all of CCL's Action Teams and join any that interest you,
head to the Action Team directory on CCL Community
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Stay Connected - Make sure CCL's emails are in your inbox
Don't miss out on updates from Citizens' Climate. Make sure our messages
are getting to your inbox.
Get CCL in Your Inbox
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Sign up for CCL Text Messages
As we build political will for climate solutions, CCL can notify you of
timely actions via text message. This will be critical once a bill is in
congress. You can opt out at any time. Sign up today!
Sign up for CCL Text Messages
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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our
Informational Session, then register for our Climate Advocate Training,
and wrap up with our Core Volunteer Training.
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
Join Info Session
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at
1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your
local time zone).
Register for Climate Advocate Training
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Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
Register for Core Volunteer Training
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Donate now to support our climate action work
Donate Now!
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