![]() Patriot, Do you remember how rapidly the American political establishment pivoted on Covid policies? It started in swing states like Michigan, Colorado, and Pennsylvania being among the first Democrat-led states to loosen COVID-19 restrictions. And then, just over a month ago, when the polls showed that Americans were fed up with lockdowns and vaccine and mask mandates, the blue states very suddenly followed suit. It doesn’t take a genius to understand it had nothing to do with “following the science” and everything to do with the polls. There is, after all, an election coming up. Make no mistake: if the American people fail to punish their elected officials who misbehave, all of the tyranny will come roaring back as soon as the election is over. These “relaxed restrictions” weren’t the result of lawmakers ending the authority of federal, state, and local government to exercise the emergency powers they’ve demonstrated they’re too irresponsible to have. It was a political decision made by these same executives and bureaucrats – to get voters to stop thinking about and forget what the government did to us. Patriot, Campaign for Liberty will NOT forget. And we are fed up with the government taking our liberty three steps back and then “allowing” us to take a single step forward in an election year. There is much work to be done repealing laws that enabled the tyranny (which is only going to accelerate if we don’t stop them), holding accountable those responsible, and thwarting their future plans. And with the battle to restore liberty being fought on so many fronts, I need to know what you consider the top priority. The biggest impact C4L can have on liberty comes by being on the same page with supporters like you who make all we do battling back against the tyrants possible. That’s why I hope you’ll take this quick survey my staff has prepared to gauge your opinion on the critical battles we’re facing today and those we’ll see over the coming months. Should Campaign for Liberty focus on: • Repealing the pieces of the Public Health Service Act that granted the federal
government’s quarantine authority? This is what allowed the lockdowns, restrictions, and control over the private health care sector so
they could unilaterally determine what medicines you had to take and those you could not. All these things are sure to return if we don’t act.
• Restoring personal responsibility and bodily autonomy by forcing the federal health bureaucracy back into an advisory-only role? • Demanding a full investigation into the COVID-19 origins and the federal government’s response? Should we demand they hold accountable all bad actors (including Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and others) who enabled it using taxpayer dollars to fund gain-of-function research and the government weaponization of information? Or, should we maintain our focus on stopping the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency, which would be the ultimate government control over your life (after they destroyed any value the dollar had left by printing new money at a rate never seen in the history of central banking) -- then audit and end the Fed? Please take a moment to complete our brief Campaign for Liberty Supporter Survey. Your responses will help guide us in these tough decisions. It only takes a moment, and your replies are always confidential. And once you’ve completed your survey, please also chip in a contribution of $9 or more to help us fuel these essential political battles. Especially if you would like to see us fight for “all of the above,” please make a contribution to support our efforts – because we can’t do it alone, and we must hold politicians accountable. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. I want to hear from you! Please be sure to return your official Campaign for Liberty 2022 Supporter Survey right away! P.P.S. Remember, we can only take on so many battles, but the more support, the more we can do. Please make a contribution of $9 or more to Campaign for Liberty today! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and
defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy,
by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
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