APRIL 1, 2022


Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action is this Friday, April 1st. And advocates like you are gearing up to expose Big Tobacco for what they really are: jokers who gamble with people's lives.

Let's make sure you're ready...

Have you played our online Joker Takedown card game and shared it with your community?

If not, you're missing out! It's easy, fun and educational. Plus, it directs players to real-life action. Flip cards to reveal Big Tobacco's dirty tricks. If you get the Joker, click him and take him down before the computer does!

Have you registered your event?

Today, we unveiled our Event Map, showing some of the creative ways that people are participating in Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action. Want to get on the map? We have tons of event ideas on our website. Remember: No activation is too small!

Have you promoted the Day of Action on social media?

Make sure Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action has a big impact: Help us spread the word ASAP! We have a bunch of downloadable graphics and sample social media language. Posts that use #TakeDownTobacco get featured on our website!

Have you ordered merch?

We've created some new merchandise – including a real Joker Takedown deck of cards – to support Take Down Tobacco events and help you spread the word about the tobacco industry's bad acts. Proceeds fund our youth programs.

Finally, make sure to explore TakeDownTobacco.org, where we have tons of resources you can use to expose Big Tobacco on the Day of Action and beyond.

If you need help or have any last-minute questions, please reach out to [email protected].

Looking forward,

Gustavo Torrez
Director of Youth Advocacy


Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 I St NW, Ste 1200
Washington, District of Columbia xxxxxx
202-296-5469 | [email protected]

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