Dear Supporter,

We're Winning!

For 17 years, I have served the state of North Carolina in some capacity, and I will continue to do so as a state Senator and next November, as a United States Senator. We have been ahead in the polls since June and we will continue to lead in the polls with your ongoing support!

That's the story, friend. WE. You, me, our friends and families who wish to return public service to the US Senate. Thom Tillis, and his cronies are all bought and sold. How else could you defend a criminally corrupt man like Donald Trump unless you were being paid to do so? Thom Tillis can't even support North Carolina military families, diverting $80 million from our military bases to a wall. A WALL?!

Our campaign is your campaign. We haven't spent any money on advertising. Our message is getting out to the masses thanks to hard work, canvassing, and YOU. Your $5, $10, $20 donations will ensure that our message continues to reach the masses. We are not being fueled by 20 New York Billionaires. It is being fueled by YOU. 

Thank you!



{{Authorized and Paid for by Erica for US .}}

{{Erica For US  P.O. Box 1236 Gaston, North Carolina 27832}}